CUC-Acoustics / Auditory-Saliency-Models

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This is the Matlab implemention of four auditory saliency models. The Kayser model's code is the original code developed by its author. Other three models are implemented by Xiansong Xiong, one of the graduate students in our CUC-Acoustics team.

All codes are implemented in Matlab, version R2019a.

In each folder, the main function can be run to obtain the saliency map of the audio. The main functions in each folder are as follows:

  1. The main function in the folder "Kayser Model" is "Example_saliency.m".
  2. The main function in the folder "Duangudom Model" is "Duangudom_Saliency.m".
  3. The main function in the folder "Kalinli Model" is "Kalinli_Saliency.m".
  4. The main function in the folder "Kaya Model" is "Kaya_Saliency.m".

If you want to use these codes, please cite the following paper:

Xiansong Xiong, Zhijun Zhao, and Lingyun Xie. Evaluation of Auditory Saliency Model Based on Saliency Map, International Conference on Culture-Oriented Science and Technology(CoST), 2022.