CUCentralAdvancement / essential-cu

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Essential CU

This project handles routing and renders all content visible at It is a Next.js project bootstrapped with create-next-app that runs on Heroku.

Hosted at:


Ongoing duties:

Audience: Unauthenticated - All traffic is public. No routes are protected.

Dependencies: ...other than Heroku

Status: Deployed - People are going to via emails, organic traffic, etc. The " campaign" is over but the content will be public forever.

List of statuses: (move this to some policy doc place)

Development Workflow

This project uses a version of GitFlow. Each issue has a feature branch attached to it based on the issue number. For "Issue #10" it would be, git checkout -b feature/10 to create the corresponding branch. Once a pull request is created against the master branch, Heroku builds a review app and shows you the URL.

Local Development Setup

Heroku is all SSL traffic so to simulate that locally, you can create certs.

cd giving-frontend
openssl req -x509 -out localhost.crt -keyout localhost.key \
  -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -sha256 \
  -subj '/CN=localhost' -extensions EXT -config <( \
   printf "[dn]\nCN=localhost\n[req]\ndistinguished_name = dn\n[EXT]\nsubjectAltName=DNS:localhost\nkeyUsage=digitalSignature\nextendedKeyUsage=serverAuth")

That will create the needed public key and certificate files at the root of your project. These files aren't tracked in source control and ignored via .gitignore.

Now, you can run the development server command:

yarn dev

Open http://localhost:3000 or https://localhost:3443 with your browser to see the result.

Next.js Documentation

To learn more about Next.js, take a look at the following resources:

Link Component

In order to fully utilize Next.js' client-side routing, all <a> links need to be wrapped in a <Link> component. The href prop needs to match the file path in pages/ and the as prop is what URI renders for the user, the actual "link".

import Link from "next/link";


See for more link creation context.

Repo Structure

Here are notes about the special files in the repo but will not cover the standard ones.

IR20 Files

IR20 Data

Next.js loads an .env file that has the API base URL included as NEXT_PUBLIC_API_URL. Both pages/impact-reports/onward/index.js and pages/impact-reports/onward/[slug].js use that URL when requesting data from the CMS API. JSON:API is the format the API uses to generate responses and filter GET requests.

During development of the IR20 project, all data will de loaded from data/stories/ so that the API response can never go down or impact frontend development. Any change to the actual API response will be merged into data/stories/*.json files, and you can assume the hard-coded JSON files provide the same response as JSON:API.

Furthermore, data/helpers.js contains formatting functions to make the data returnd by JSON:API more developer-friendly. Rather than have to change field names in the CMS as development continues, any variable name or definition can be changed easily within those formatting functions.

If you have any questions on the individual fields for the story and stories props, look in data/types.js for the corresponding PropTypes definition. PropTypes has documentation specifically for React listed at:

import {storiesDefinition} from "../../../data/types";

Index.propTypes = {
  storyData: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.shape(storiesDefinition)),

Development Philosophy

This project is being built by developers who either know Vue or React as a way to build out UIs and applications. However, most of the work will focus on styling and animation so discussions about things like routing and state management won't be included.


Many different options for handling sx exist for React-based projects and two available ones are Theme UI and CSS Modules. Plenty of other options exist and can be used but will not be listed here.

Theme UI - In React circles, Theme UI is used widely and allows for keeping all the styling in JS. No need for CSS class or ID targeting and a handy theme.js variable file to share amongst projects whether React-based or not.

CSS Modules - Next.js uses CSS modules by default, as there are no additional dependencies needed. You can write regular CSS and import it into any component file. For those unfamiliar with React, you need to use <div className="my-class"> instead of <div class="my-class"> since class is a reserved keyword in JS and that's how the DOM work with "classes".


Since 60 FPS animations would be hard to manage with just React, there are reccomended libraries to use that manipulate and reference DOM nodes directly. Framer Motion is used on other Advancement projects, and I heard Voltage mention Greensock.

Framer Motion - Rapidly developing React-specific library that allows for declarative animations with many efficient helpers to improve the developer experience.

Greensock - A standard for animation on the web used across frontend frameworks. With React integration, you have to use "refs" to keep references to the DOM nodes you are animating. React trys hard to dissasociate rednering from the declarative UI paradigm but allows for referneces when needed, like for animations or focus events. This article has all the info needed to implment Greensock animations within React: