CWWhitney / ethnoforestry_agroforestry

Overview of ethnoforestry and agroforestry
MIT License
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Ethnoforestry and Agroforestry


We are interested in gathering resources, tools, and information related to ethnoforestry. We are working toward quantifying the effect of applying traditional tree and forest-related-knowledge for tree management in agriculture. Here we define agriculture broadly and consider the diversity of conditions under which humans cultivate and harvest products, including rural and urban conditions, natural forest settings (NTFP) and more formal farming settings such as agroforestry.

Ethnoforestry practices in support of sustainable agriculture

Ethnoforestry is the study and practice of the relationship between people and forests, emphasizing the traditional knowledge and cultural practices associated with forest management - this includes agroforestry, an integrated land use management system that combines trees and shrubs with agricultural crops and/or livestock. Ethnoforestry involves understanding traditions and cultural practices regarding how local communities interact with forest ecosystems and manage and conserve forest resources. Ethnoforestry encompasses various aspects, such as using forests for food, medicine, shelter, and cultural purposes, and practices like agroforestry, where trees and shrubs are integrated with crops and livestock to create more sustainable and productive land use systems.

Here we provide a graphical overview of tree management for livelihoods and ecosystem outcomes.

diagram_forestry drawio

Forest management ethnoforestry practices

Biodiversity (benefits to nature)

Human development (benefits to humans)


Zotero collection


This collection is licensed under the MIT License.