CYCBrian / Week-11-Express.js-Note-Taker

An application used to write and save notes. This application will use an Express.js back end and will save and retrieve note data from a JSON file.
MIT License
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Note Taker - Express.js Application License Badge

This application allows users to write, save, and delete notes, helping them organize thoughts and tasks efficiently.

Table of Contents


The Note Taker application is designed to facilitate note-taking by providing an intuitive interface. Users can create, save, view, and delete notes through a user-friendly web interface.



Watch the app in action!

Getting Started

To run this application locally, follow these steps:

  1. Clone this repository to your local machine.
  2. Install dependencies using npm install.
  3. Start the server using node server.js.



To use the application:

  1. Navigate to the Notes Page:

    • Click on "Get Started" or a similar button/link to access the notes page.
  2. Create a New Note:

    • Click on the plus icon location in the navigation bar to create a new note.
  3. Add content to New Note

    • Input the title and content of your note in the provided fields on the right-hand side.
  4. Save Your Note:

    • Click on the floppy disk icon located in the navigation bar to save the entered note.
  5. Access Saved Notes:

    • On the left-hand sidebar, click on any of the saved notes to review their content.
  6. Delete a Note:

    • To remove a note, click on the red bin icon associated with the specific note you want to delete.

Technologies Used


Visit my GitHub Profile here!


The project is covered under this license: MIT

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