Everything about the CZO use of CUAHSI HIS WaterOneFlow and WaterML 1.x
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Everything about the CZO use of CUAHSI HIS WaterOneFlow and WaterML 1.x

This repository will cover anything involving the configuration and use of these services by the CZO community, from the centralized services at CZO Central to more custom deployments by individual CZO's, such as the Christina River CZO system. That scope may include assessing and documenting how the CZO shared vocabularies are being used in these WOF services (for reference and comparison, here's the CUAHSI HIS "Master Controlled Vocabulary Registry for ODM 1.1"). For reference, it's worth pointing out here that each CZO WOF endpoint on CZOC Central has a nice "home page" that presents all the web services available, including those based on WaterML 1.0, 1.1 and 2.0, as well as OGC WFS (I think this is HydroServer, but I'm not sure); as an example, here's the service home page for Luquillo.


Variables, VariableName CV, and occurrence of the same variable more than once on a site

"notes" and "site_property" content

ulmo parsing issues with some elements in GetSiteInfo?

get_site_info response for some data series attributes (_method, _quality_control_level, _source, value_count, and variable_time_interval) are returned prepended with the WaterML namespace url; it should be stripped, as done with all other attributes. Will have to investigate if that's a problem with ulmo parsing or with the CUAHSI response encoding.