Caffeine-Coders / ChessBot

a AI chess bot project
MIT License
1 stars 2 forks source link

Chess AI - Still Naive Bot

This project implements a simple chess AI using the Min-Max algorithm with evaluation functions. The game can be played in different modes, including human vs bot and bot vs bot.


Make sure you have Python installed on your system. Additionally, you'll need to install the following Python packages:


  1. Install Python:

    Download and install Python from the official website: Python Downloads

  2. Install pygame:

    pip install pygame
  3. Install Python-Chess:

    pip install python-chess
  4. Install StockFish:

    # we use windows OS and have installed the installed windows version of stockfish to use in

How to Run

Human vs bot:

Stockfish vs bot:

Q learning with reward based on final game result and a random opponent:

Q learning with reward function, and a specific opponent:


Stockfish vs Bot game:

  So as we see after certain point of the game we see a huge spike in 
  difference of score between players showing a bad move made by Min max bot.

PPT explanation of project
