CahanLab / stemfinder

estimate cell fate potency from single cell RNA-seq data
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stemFinder vignette

Kathleen Noller 07/11/2024


Single-cell estimation of differentiation time from scRNA-seq data


options(repos = c(CRAN = ""))
## The downloaded binary packages are in
##  /var/folders/hb/b7nzqfss2_l63s3qz23cqftr0000gp/T//Rtmpa5pZ4q/downloaded_packages
## Skipping install of 'stemFinder' from a github remote, the SHA1 (83a451f7) has not changed since last install.
##   Use `force = TRUE` to force installation
## Loading required package: dplyr

## Attaching package: 'dplyr'

## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
##     filter, lag

## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
##     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union

## Loading required package: MASS

## Attaching package: 'MASS'

## The following object is masked from 'package:dplyr':
##     select

## Loading required package: Seurat

## Attaching SeuratObject

## Loading required package: ggplot2

Load query data - Bone marrow from Tabula Muris

Query data should be a Seurat object containing a log-normalized, scaled single-cell gene expression matrix

Query data must have two metadata columns:

Phenotype (character vector of cell type annotations) and Ground_truth (numeric vector of ascending ground truth values denoting extent of differentiation)
Note: example data has already been filtered, normalized, and scaled

Download query data: Tabula Muris bone marrow, 10X platform

adata = readRDS("MurineBoneMarrow10X_GSE109774.rds")
##                            orig.ident nCount_RNA nFeature_RNA
## X10X_P7_3_AAACCTGAGCATCATC       X10X      12994         3468
## X10X_P7_3_AAACCTGCAGAGTGTG       X10X       5437         1764
##                                       Phenotype Ground_truth
## X10X_P7_3_AAACCTGAGCATCATC Monocyte_progenitors            2          0
## X10X_P7_3_AAACCTGCAGAGTGTG            Monocytes            3          0
##                            percent.ribo    S.Score  G2M.Score Phase
## X10X_P7_3_AAACCTGAGCATCATC     22.62583  0.3360127  0.3821197   G2M
## X10X_P7_3_AAACCTGCAGAGTGTG     24.03899 -0.1894597 -0.3641231    G1

Prepare inputs to stemFinder

# Select input cell cycle gene list
      ## standard input to stemFinder: G2M and S cell cycle genes
      ## G2M and S gene lists are provided for mouse, human, and C. elegans
cell_cycle_genes = c(s_genes_mouse, g2m_genes_mouse)[c(s_genes_mouse, g2m_genes_mouse) %in% rownames(adata)] 
VariableFeatures(adata) = VariableFeatures(adata)[!(VariableFeatures(adata) %in% cell_cycle_genes)] #make sure cell cycle genes are not among highly variable features

adata <- RunPCA(adata, verbose = F)
p1 <- ElbowPlot(adata, ndims = 50)
#Select PCs based on elbow plot
pcs = 32

#Perform K nearest neighbors
k = round(sqrt(ncol(adata))) #default value of k parameter
adata = FindNeighbors(adata, dims = 1:pcs, k.param = k, verbose = F)
knn = adata@graphs$RNA_nn #KNN matrix

Run stemFinder


adata: Seurat object containing log-normalized, scaled gene expression data (features x cells)
k: number of nearest neighbors
nn: KNN matrix (cells x cells)
thresh: threshold for binarizing gene expression data (default = 0)
markers: character vector of cell cycle genes present in query data
method: string denoting which method of computing gene expression heterogeneity to use (default: ‘gini’, other: ‘stdev’ and ‘variance’)
adata = run_stemFinder(adata, k = k, nn = knn, thresh = 0, markers = cell_cycle_genes, method = 'gini')

##                            orig.ident nCount_RNA nFeature_RNA
## X10X_P7_3_AAACCTGAGCATCATC       X10X      12994         3468
## X10X_P7_3_AAACCTGCAGAGTGTG       X10X       5437         1764
## X10X_P7_3_AAACCTGGTCGAACAG       X10X       4466         1526
## X10X_P7_3_AAACCTGTCACTTCAT       X10X      23852         4043
## X10X_P7_3_AAACGGGAGAAGGTTT       X10X       4375          977
##                                       Phenotype Ground_truth
## X10X_P7_3_AAACCTGAGCATCATC Monocyte_progenitors            2          0
## X10X_P7_3_AAACCTGCAGAGTGTG            Monocytes            3          0
## X10X_P7_3_AAACCTGGTCGAACAG Monocyte_progenitors            2          0
## X10X_P7_3_AAACCTGTCACTTCAT     Stem_Progenitors            1          0
## X10X_P7_3_AAACGGGAGAAGGTTT         Granulocytes            3          0
##                            percent.ribo     S.Score  G2M.Score Phase
## X10X_P7_3_AAACCTGAGCATCATC    22.625827  0.33601275  0.3821197   G2M
## X10X_P7_3_AAACCTGCAGAGTGTG    24.038992 -0.18945969 -0.3641231    G1
## X10X_P7_3_AAACCTGGTCGAACAG    33.631885  0.30172632 -0.1413534     S
## X10X_P7_3_AAACCTGTCACTTCAT    33.104142 -0.01163238 -0.3062905    G1
## X10X_P7_3_AAACGGGAGAAGGTTT     2.537143 -0.15402552 -0.1239491    G1
##                            stemFinder_raw stemFinder
## X10X_P7_3_AAACCTGAGCATCATC      18.654875 0.08664202
## X10X_P7_3_AAACCTGCAGAGTGTG       5.315398 0.73975374
## X10X_P7_3_AAACCTGGTCGAACAG      16.387931 0.19763346
## X10X_P7_3_AAACCTGTCACTTCAT      19.251784 0.05741689
## X10X_P7_3_AAACGGGAGAAGGTTT       2.994946 0.85336496

The following 2 columns are added to metadata:

-Raw stemFinder score (“stemFinder_raw”)
-stemFinder score with directionality corresponding to pseudotime / ground truth (“stemFinder”)

Check against previously-computed stemFinder results on this dataset

sF_scores = read.csv("bmmc_sF_results.csv", row.names = 1)
##                            stemFinder_raw stemFinder
## X10X_P7_3_AAACCTGAGCATCATC      18.654875 0.08664202
## X10X_P7_3_AAACCTGCAGAGTGTG       5.315398 0.73975374
## X10X_P7_3_AAACCTGGTCGAACAG      16.387931 0.19763346
## X10X_P7_3_AAACCTGTCACTTCAT      19.251784 0.05741689
## X10X_P7_3_AAACGGGAGAAGGTTT       2.994946 0.85336496

Quantify stemFinder performance relative to ground truth

# Compute stemFinder performance metrics
list_all = compute_performance_single(adata, competitor = F)
## [1] "Single-cell Spearman Correlation, stemFinder: 0.74"
## [1] "AUC, stemFinder: 0.97"
## [1] "Phenotypic Spearman correlation, stemFinder: 0.89"
pct.recov = pct_recover(adata)
## [1] "Percentage of cells with low degree of differentiation recovered by stemFinder: 84.7117794486216"
## [1] "Relative abundance of cells with low degree of differentiation: 11.6428362999708"

Optional: compare stemFinder performance to another method

CytoTRACE and CCAT scores for BMMC query data

#Load pre-computed competitor scores 
comp_scores = read.csv("bmmc_competitor_results.csv", row.names = 1)
##                            CytoTRACE      ccat CytoTRACE_invert ccat_invert
## X10X_P7_3_AAACCTGAGCATCATC      2645 0.3818031        0.2281879   0.2388558
## X10X_P7_3_AAACCTGCAGAGTGTG      1520 0.2712764        0.5564634   0.4591965 = cbind(, comp_scores) #add to metadata
adata$competitor = adata$ccat_invert #rename desired competitor column 

#Quantify performance
list_all_withcomp = compute_performance_single(adata, competitor = T, comp.inverted = T)
## [1] "Single-cell Spearman Correlation, stemFinder: 0.74"
## [1] "AUC, stemFinder: 0.97"
## [1] "Phenotypic Spearman correlation, stemFinder: 0.89"
## $`stemFinder results`
## Spearman_SingleCell      Spearman_Pheno                 AUC 
##           0.7428144           0.8883756           0.9724200 
## $`Competitor results`
## Spearman_SingleCell      Spearman_Pheno                 AUC 
##           0.6755672           0.7783368           0.9298890

Visualize stemFinder and competitor results

Feature plot
p2 <- FeaturePlot(adata, features = c('Ground_truth','stemFinder','competitor'), cols = c('blue','red'), ncol = 3)
Box plot
p3 <- ggplot(, aes(x = Ground_truth, y = stemFinder)) + geom_point() + geom_boxplot(aes(group = Ground_truth, color = Ground_truth)) + theme_bw() + ggtitle("stemFinder score vs. Ground truth") + ylab("stemFinder score") + xlab("Ground truth")