Cal-Poly-RAMP / tapeout-ci-2311

caravel-user repository for November 6, 2023 tapeout
Apache License 2.0
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Table Of Contents

Architecture Overview

CARP drawio

The CARP SOC is composed of 2 RISC-V RV32I processors, a primary processor (the "CARP Core") and a processor that manages and monitors the CARP Core (the "Monitor Core"). The processors each have their own address space, volatile and (off-chip) non-volatile memory, clocks, resets, and peripherals. The Monitor Core and its peripherals have their documentation here, while the CARP Core and its peripherals are documented below.

OBI Bus And Peripherals

Memory Map

The main memory interconnect used on the SoC is a subset of OpenHW Group's Open Bus Interface (OBI). The subset we are using is the same subset used by OpenHW Groups's RI5CY Core, and its behavior is fully described in the OBI-1 specification.

Start Address End Address Section
0x0000_0000 0x0000_0FFF Bootloader
0x0000_1000 0x0FFF_FFFF --
0x1000_0000 0x1000_1FFF Peripheral Register File
0x1000_1000 0x1FFF_FFFF --
0x2000_0000 0x3FFF_FFFF 512Mb Flash
0x4000_0000 0x7FFF_FFFF --
0x8000_0000 0x8000_4FFF 20 kB SRAM
0x8000_5000 0xEFFF_FFFF --
0xF000_0000 0xF000_0003 Monitor Interrupt Generator
0xF000_0004 0xFFFF_FFFF --

Boot ROM and Boot Configs

On boot, the core resets the program counter to an address based on the boot_sel input.

boot_sel copy_boot_sel Program Counter Reset Address Function
0 0 0x0000_0000 Copies 512 words from QSPI_1 (starting from 0x2000_0000 into SRAM), then jumps to SRAM at 0x8000_0000.
0 1 0x0000_0000 Jumps to QSPI_1 at 0x2000_0000 and begins executing in place.
1 x 0x8000_0000 Starts execution from the internal SRAM.
This assumes that the caravel has loaded a program into the SRAM prior to startup.

XIP QSPI Flash Controller (QSPI_1)

The QSPI controller at 0x2000_0000 can support up to 512MB external QSPI memory. This flash can be programmed via the housekeeping SPI (SPI_0) in pass-thru mode. There is a 32 bit control register located at address 0x3FFF_FFFF, described below.

Bit(s) Description
31 MEMIO Enable (reset=1, set to 0 to bit bang SPI commands)
30:23 Reserved (read 0)
22 DDR Enable bit (reset=0)
21 QSPI Enable bit (reset=0)
20 CRM Enable bit (reset=0)
19:16 Read latency (dummy) cycles (reset=8)
15:12 Reserved (read 0)
11:8 IO Output enable bits in bit bang mode
7:6 Reserved (read 0)
5 Chip select (CS) line in bit bang mode
4 Serial clock line in bit bang mode
3:0 IO data bits in bit bang mode

The following settings for CRM/DDR/QSPI modes are valid:

CRM QSPI DDR Read Command Byte Mode Byte
0 0 0 03h Read N/A
0 0 1 BBh Dual I/O Read 0xFF
1 0 1 BBh Dual I/O Read 0xA5
0 1 0 EBh Quad I/O Read 0xFF
1 1 0 EBh Quad I/O Read 0xA5
0 1 1 EDh DDR Quad I/O Read 0xFF
1 1 1 EDh DDR Quad I/O Read 0xA5

Monitor Interrupt Generator

There is a 3 bit interrupt vector for the Monitor Core that can be generated by the CARP SOC by writing to address 0xF000_0000. The two least significant bits are generated by the two least significant bits of the write data, and the third bit of the interrupt vector is reserved for hardware-generated interrupts

irq[2] irq[1] irq[0]
Hardware Error Write Data bit 1 Write Data bit 0

Wishbone-OBI Bridge

The wishbone port on the SOC allows the Monitor Core to read and write to the CARP Core's SRAM, as long as the wishbone enable control is set (see Logic Analyzer). The SRAM is located at address 0x3000_0000 in the wishbone address space. The Wishbone-OBI bridge handles clock domain crossing, protocol conversion, and address translation.

OBI Bus Protocol

The specific signals are enumerated below:

Pin Name Pin Count Direction Description
req 1 Controller -> Memory Asserted by the controller to request a memory transaction. The controller is responsible to keep all address signals valid while req is high.
gnt 1 Memory -> Controller Asserted by the memory system when new transactions can be accepted. A transaction is accepted on the rising edge of the clock if req and gnt are both high.
addr 32 Controller -> Memory Address output from the controller to access memory location
we 1 Controller -> Memory Asserted by the controller to indicate a write operation
be 4 Controller -> Memory Byte enable output (strobe), to specify which bytes should be accessed
wdata 32 Controller -> Memory Write data output from the controller to be written to memory
rvalid 1 Memory -> Controller Asserted by the memory system to signal valid read data. The read response is completed on the first rising clock edge when rvalid is asserted. rdata must be valid as long as rvalid is high.
rdata 32 Memory -> Controller Read data input to the controller from the memory system

IO Assignment

Carp Core GPIO Functions

There are 38 user-programmable IO pins:

Pin # Input Pin Output Pin Output Enable Description
0 JTAG x x reserved
1 x SPI_0_SDO 1 SPI 0 (Housekeeping SPI)
2 SPI_0_SDI x 0 SPI 0 (Housekeeping SPI)
3 SPI_0_CSB x 0 SPI 0 (Housekeeping SPI)
4 SPI_0_SCK x 0 SPI 0 (Housekeeping SPI)
5 copy_boot_sel x x 1 = copy 512 words from flash to SRAM and jump to SRAM. 0 = jump to flash.
6 boot_sel x x Hard select for the bootloader. (see Boot ROMs)
7 rst_hard_n x x Hard reset input, such as for a reset button (active low)
8 x o_qspi_cs_n 0 QSPI chip select (active low)
9 x o_qspi_sck 0 QSPI clock
10 i_qspi_dat[0] o_qspi_dat[0] Determined by o_qspi_mod QSPI_1 data bit 0
11 i_qspi_dat[1] o_qspi_dat[1] Determined by o_qspi_mod QSPI_1 data bit 1
12 i_qspi_dat[2] o_qspi_dat[2] Determined by o_qspi_mod QSPI_1 data bit 2
13 i_qspi_dat[3] o_qspi_dat[3] Determined by o_qspi_mod QSPI_1 data bit 3
14 (Peripherals)
15 (Peripherals)
16 (Peripherals)
17 (Peripherals)
18 (Peripherals)
19 (Peripherals)
20 (Peripherals)
21 (Peripherals)
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25 (Peripherals)
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29 (Peripherals)
30 (Peripherals)
31 (Peripherals)
32 (Peripherals)
33 (Peripherals)
34 (Peripherals)
35 (Peripherals)
36 (Peripherals)
37 (Peripherals)

Logic Analyzer Pins

There are 128 logic analyzer io pins controllable from the caravel.

Pin #'s Signal Name Description
3:0 reset_soft_n As long as the value 0xA is written to this nibble, the user area will reset
7:4 wishbone_enable As long as the value 0xA is written to this nibble, the data port of the onboard RAM will be given to the wishbone bus. The CARP core will not have access to the RAM.
11:8 halt_clock As long as a 0xA is written to this nibble, the clock will be held in its current position (high or low).
14:12 la_mux Logic Analyzer sample channel MUX select. The channels (see "Sample Channels" below) can be selected between using these bits.
15 clk_masked System On Chip Clock
127:16 Sample Channels 112 Bit digital sample channels. These can be selected between using la_mux.

Logic Analyzer Sample Channels

Pin # CH 0 CH 1 CH 2 CH 3 CH 4 CH 5 CH 6 CH 7
16 dmem_addr[0] imem_addr[0] sram_d_muxed_addr[0] sram_i_addr[0] peripheral_addr[0] rf_port1_reg[0] gpio_i[5] p_interrupts[0]
17 dmem_addr[1] imem_addr[1] sram_d_muxed_addr[1] sram_i_addr[1] peripheral_addr[1] rf_port1_reg[1] gpio_i[6] p_interrupts[1]
18 dmem_addr[2] imem_addr[2] sram_d_muxed_addr[2] sram_i_addr[2] peripheral_addr[2] rf_port1_reg[2] gpio_i[7] p_interrupts[2]
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
20 dmem_addr[4] imem_addr[4] sram_d_muxed_addr[4] sram_i_addr[4] peripheral_addr[4] rf_port1_reg[4] gpio_i[9] p_interrupts[4]
21 dmem_addr[5] imem_addr[5] sram_d_muxed_addr[5] sram_i_addr[5] peripheral_addr[5] rf_rs1[0] gpio_i[10] p_interrupts[5]
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
47 dmem_addr[31] imem_addr[31] sram_d_muxed_addr[31] sram_i_addr[31] peripheral_addr[31] rf_rs1[26] gpio_i[36] p_interrupts[31]
48 dmem_req imem_req sram_d_muxed_req sram_i_req peripheral_req rf_rs1[27] gpio_i[37] p_interrupts[32]
49 dmem_gnt imem_gnt sram_d_muxed_gnt sram_i_gnt peripheral_gnt rf_rs1[28] gpio_o[5] p_interrupts[33]
50 dmem_we imem_we sram_d_muxed_we sram_i_we peripheral_we rf_rs1[29] gpio_o[6] p_interrupts[34]
51 dmem_be[0] imem_be[0] sram_d_muxed_be[0] sram_i_be[0] peripheral_be[0] rf_rs1[30] gpio_o[7] p_interrupts[35]
52 dmem_be[1] imem_be[1] sram_d_muxed_be[1] sram_i_be[1] peripheral_be[1] rf_rs1[31] gpio_o[8] p_interrupts[36]
53 dmem_be[2] imem_be[2] sram_d_muxed_be[2] sram_i_be[2] peripheral_be[2] rf_port2_reg[0] gpio_o[9] p_interrupts[37]
54 dmem_be[3] imem_be[3] sram_d_muxed_be[3] sram_i_be[3] peripheral_be[3] rf_port2_reg[1] gpio_o[10] p_interrupts[38]
55 dmem_rvalid imem_rvalid sram_d_muxed_rvalid sram_i_rvalid peripheral_rvalid rf_port2_reg[2] gpio_o[11] p_interrupts[39]
56 dmem_rdata[0] imem_rdata[0] sram_d_muxed_rdata[0] sram_i_rdata[0] peripheral_rdata[0] rf_port2_reg[4] gpio_o[12] p_interrupts[40]
57 dmem_rdata[1] imem_rdata[1] sram_d_muxed_rdata[1] sram_i_rdata[1] peripheral_rdata[1] rf_port2_reg[5] gpio_o[13] p_interrupts[41]
58 dmem_rdata[2] imem_rdata[2] sram_d_muxed_rdata[2] sram_i_rdata[2] peripheral_rdata[2] rf_rs2[0] gpio_o[14] p_interrupts[42]
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
67 dmem_rdata[11] imem_rdata[11] sram_d_muxed_rdata[11] sram_i_rdata[11] peripheral_rdata[11] rf_rs2[9] gpio_o[23] p_interrupts[51]
68 dmem_rdata[12] imem_rdata[12] sram_d_muxed_rdata[12] sram_i_rdata[12] peripheral_rdata[12] rf_rs2[10] gpio_o[24] p_i_enable[0]
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
81 dmem_rdata[25] imem_rdata[25] sram_d_muxed_rdata[25] sram_i_rdata[25] peripheral_rdata[25] rf_rs2[23] gpio_o[37] p_i_enable[13]
82 dmem_rdata[26] imem_rdata[26] sram_d_muxed_rdata[26] sram_i_rdata[26] peripheral_rdata[26] rf_rs2[24] gpio_oeb_no[5] p_i_enable[14]
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
87 dmem_rdata[31] imem_rdata[31] sram_d_muxed_rdata[31] sram_i_rdata[31] peripheral_rdata[31] rf_rs2[29] gpio_oeb_no[10] p_i_enable[19]
88 dmem_wdata[0] imem_wdata[0] sram_d_muxed_wdata[0] sram_i_wdata[0] peripheral_wdata[0] rf_rs2[30] gpio_oeb_no[11] p_i_enable[20]
89 dmem_wdata[1] imem_wdata[1] sram_d_muxed_wdata[1] sram_i_wdata[1] peripheral_wdata[1] rf_rs2[31] gpio_oeb_no[12] p_i_enable[21]
90 dmem_wdata[2] imem_wdata[2] sram_d_muxed_wdata[2] sram_i_wdata[2] peripheral_wdata[2] rf_wr_reg[0] gpio_oeb_no[13] p_i_enable[22]
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
94 dmem_wdata[6] imem_wdata[6] sram_d_muxed_wdata[6] sram_i_wdata[6] peripheral_wdata[6] rf_wr_reg[5] gpio_oeb_no[17] p_i_enable[26]
95 dmem_wdata[7] imem_wdata[7] sram_d_muxed_wdata[7] sram_i_wdata[7] peripheral_wdata[7] rf_wr_data[0] gpio_oeb_no[18] p_i_enable[27]
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
114 dmem_wdata[26] imem_wdata[26] sram_d_muxed_wdata[26] sram_i_wdata[26] peripheral_wdata[26] rf_wr_data[19] gpio_oeb_no[37] p_i_enable[46]
115 dmem_wdata[27] imem_wdata[27] sram_d_muxed_wdata[27] sram_i_wdata[27] peripheral_wdata[27] rf_wr_data[20] timer_intr p_i_enable[47]
116 dmem_wdata[28] imem_wdata[28] sram_d_muxed_wdata[28] sram_i_wdata[28] peripheral_wdata[28] rf_wr_data[21] m_ext_intr p_i_enable[48]
117 dmem_wdata[29] imem_wdata[29] sram_d_muxed_wdata[29] sram_i_wdata[29] peripheral_wdata[29] rf_wr_data[22] p_int_read p_i_enable[49]
118 dmem_wdata[30] imem_wdata[30] sram_d_muxed_wdata[30] sram_i_wdata[30] peripheral_wdata[30] rf_wr_data[23] csr_busy p_i_enable[50]
119 dmem_wdata[31] imem_wdata[31] sram_d_muxed_wdata[31] sram_i_wdata[31] peripheral_wdata[31] rf_wr_data[24] me_i_en p_i_enable[51]
120 miu_illegal mcause[0] mcause[8] mcause[16] mcause[24] rf_wr_data[25] - -
121 sram_illegal mcause[1] mcause[9] mcause[17] mcause[25] rf_wr_data[26] - -
122 flash_illegal mcause[2] mcause[10] mcause[18] mcause[26] rf_wr_data[27] - -
123 caravel_illegal mcause[3] mcause[11] mcause[19] mcause[27] rf_wr_data[28] - -
124 illegal_access mcause[4] mcause[12] mcause[20] mcause[28] rf_wr_data[29] - -
125 mem_err_int mcause[5] mcause[13] mcause[21] mcause[29] rf_wr_data[30] - -
126 boot_sel mcause[6] mcause[14] mcause[22] mcause[30] rf_wr_data[31] - -
127 copy_boot_sel mcause[7] mcause[15] mcause[23] mcause[31] rf_wr_en - -

Pin Descriptions (QFN64 9x9 0.5)

Pin Name Description Voltage min Voltage nom Voltage max
1 vssa2 Analog Ground 0
2 io25 IO 25 0 0.4 or (0.8 * vddio) vddio
3 io26 IO 26 0 0.4 or (0.8 * vddio) vddio
4 io27 IO 27 0 0.4 or (0.8 * vddio) vddio
5 io28 IO 28 0 0.4 or (0.8 * vddio) vddio
6 io29 IO 29 0 0.4 or (0.8 * vddio) vddio
7 io30 IO 30 0 0.4 or (0.8 * vddio) vddio
8 io31 IO 31 0 0.4 or (0.8 * vddio) vddio
9 vdda2 Analog Supply Voltage 3.3
10 vssd2 Digital Ground 0
11 io32 IO 32 0 0.4 or (0.8 * vddio) vddio
12 io33 IO 33 0 0.4 or (0.8 * vddio) vddio
13 io34 IO 34 0 0.4 or (0.8 * vddio) vddio
14 io35 IO 35 0 0.4 or (0.8 * vddio) vddio
15 io36 IO 36 0 0.4 or (0.8 * vddio) vddio
16 io37 IO 37 0 0.4 or (0.8 * vddio) vddio
17 vddio1 IO Pad Supply Voltage 1.8 3.3 5
18 vccd Core Voltage 1.62 1.8 1.98
19 N/C No connect -
20 vssa Analog Ground 0
21 resetb Digital Reset (Active Low) 0 > 0.8 * vddio vddio
22 clock 10 MHz clock 0 0.4 or (0.8 * vddio) vddio
23 vssd Digital Ground 0
24 flash_csb QSPI_0 Chip Select 0 0.4 or (0.8 * vddio) vddio
25 flash_clk QSPI_0 Clock 0 0.4 or (0.8 * vddio) vddio
26 flash_io0 QSPI_0 D0 0 0.4 or (0.8 * vddio) vddio
27 flash_io1 QSPI_0 D1 0 0.4 or (0.8 * vddio) vddio
28 gpio Single pin management GPIO 0 0.4 or (0.8 * vddio) vddio
29 vssio IO Pad Ground 0
30 vdda Analog Supply Voltage 3.3
31 io0 JTAG 0 0.4 or (0.8 * vddio) vddio
32 io1 SPI_0_SD0 0 0.4 or (0.8 * vddio) vddio
33 io2 SPI_0_SDI 0 0.4 or (0.8 * vddio) vddio
34 io3 SPI_0_CSB 0 0.4 or (0.8 * vddio) vddio
35 io4 SPI_0_SCK 0 0.4 or (0.8 * vddio) vddio
36 io5 CARP Core Copy Boot Select 0 0.4 or (0.8 * vddio) vddio
37 io6 CARP Core Boot Select 0 0.4 or (0.8 * vddio) vddio
38 vssa1 Analog Ground 0
39 vssd1 Digital Ground 0
40 vdda1 Analog Supply Voltage 3.3
41 io7 CARP Core Hard reset 0 0.4 or (0.8 * vddio) vddio
42 io8 QSPI_1 Clock 0 0.4 or (0.8 * vddio) vddio
43 io9 QSPI_1 Chip Select 0 0.4 or (0.8 * vddio) vddio
44 io10 QSPI_1 D0 0 0.4 or (0.8 * vddio) vddio
45 io11 QSPI_1 D1 0 0.4 or (0.8 * vddio) vddio
46 io12 QSPI_1 D2 0 0.4 or (0.8 * vddio) vddio
47 vdda1 Analog Supply Voltage 3.3
48 io13 QSPI_1 D3 0 0.4 or (0.8 * vddio) vddio
49 vccd1 Core Voltage 1.8 3.3 5
50 io14 IO 14 0 0.4 or (0.8 * vddio) vddio
51 io15 IO 15 0 0.4 or (0.8 * vddio) vddio
52 vssa1 Analog Ground 0
53 io16 IO 16 0 0.4 or (0.8 * vddio) vddio
54 io17 IO 17 0 0.4 or (0.8 * vddio) vddio
55 io18 IO 18 0 0.4 or (0.8 * vddio) vddio
56 vssio IO Pad Ground 0
57 io19 IO 19 0 0.4 or (0.8 * vddio) vddio
58 io20 IO 20 0 0.4 or (0.8 * vddio) vddio
59 io21 IO 21 0 0.4 or (0.8 * vddio) vddio
60 io22 IO 22 0 0.4 or (0.8 * vddio) vddio
61 io23 IO 23 0 0.4 or (0.8 * vddio) vddio
62 io24 IO 24 0 0.4 or (0.8 * vddio) vddio
63 vccd2 Core Voltage 1.62 1.8 1.98
64 vddio2 IO Pad Supply Voltage 1.8 3.3 5