A brief comment regarding this DATA DEPENDENCY as well as CODE DEPENDENCY have been added.
Though this is still a preliminary notebook, and re-factoring (e.g. by defining Python classes such as Model, Data, etc.) would be desirable in future versions, it is a better demo version than the existing version of the same notebook in the main branch, and should do the job for now.
The notebook "taketwo-dsmvp-v1.ipynb" has been modified to include a run with the Jigsaw "unintended bias in toxicity classification" data (c.f. https://www.kaggle.com/c/jigsaw-unintended-bias-in-toxicity-classification/data?select=train.csv).
A brief comment regarding this DATA DEPENDENCY as well as CODE DEPENDENCY have been added.
Though this is still a preliminary notebook, and re-factoring (e.g. by defining Python classes such as Model, Data, etc.) would be desirable in future versions, it is a better demo version than the existing version of the same notebook in the main branch, and should do the job for now.