CallWall / CallWall.Web

Web host for the CallWall product. Hosts the Cloud client and any downloads
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The CallWall.Web project represents the public shared components to help build the Website for CallWall. The two key projects are CallWall.Web.Core and the folder CallWall.Web.Templates. The CallWall.Web.Templates currently needs to be kept manually in sync with the CallWall.Web sample project.

CallWall.Web.Core will be deployed as a Nuget package and expose via the private package source. The CallWall.Web.Template directory will be also deployed as a Nuget package to allow satellite repositories to have a similar web host to test their content provider modules.

The website will need to cater for the following:

  1. Marketing site.
  2. ClickOnce downloads (Windows)
  3. Web implementation of CallWall
  4. Settings
  5. Cloud services
  6. Financing

Marketing website

The marketing site will need to explain to new users what CallWall is via text, images and Video. It will provide links to download the app for the appropriate installer for the user's current platform.


User will be able to download the application via the download section on the marketing website. We will prompt a default download link for the user's current platform. If the user is viewing on a mobile device, then take them to the appropriate app store.

Web dashboard

users will be able to user the website as the dashboard if they dont want to install the WIndowsDesktop or Windows App version. This will provide a broader reach i.e. to OSX, Android and other platforms. Other Platforms may still require a small java service to be installed to launch the Web dashboard in full screen mode.

The Web implementation can also serve as the Web Api for installed applications. This will allow users behind corporate firewalls to still get readonly access to their social meida contacts.

User settings

Users are able to login to CallWall with any of their accounts and manage their settings for the application. User can register for CallWall by simply logging-in in with OAuth. When registering they get to choose the resources they will allow CallWall to access for each account. Once logged in, they are able to link accounts e.g. Twitter, Google, FaceBook, Microsoft etc...

Cloud servcies

CallWall will provide a hub for users to aggregate their social media contacts together. The cloud services will provide a common data model for CallWall clients to consume data aggreated across various accounts. The benefits of using a cloud service instead of having clients connect to the social media service directly include:

  1. Single point of upgrade when 3rd party services change
  2. Allow access to users that would otherwise be blocked by firewalls to access social media data. i.e. Most banks block gmail, Hotmail, FB etc.
  3. Less data for clients to download. As the server can pre filter the data (like large emails & photos) and send the client a compressed feed.
  4. Reduce the number of connections the client needs to make. Client's tend to handle many http conenctions much worse than a server can.
  5. Single code base for social media integration (instead of reproduced in WPF, WinRT, Web, OSX)
  6. Provides a single base for user's to store their settings


For the platform to be successful it will need two key features built in to it from day one :

  1. it must be viral by nature
  2. it must be profitable on day one

This creates a difficult balance between enticing users into previewing the application with out the need to pay up front or disclosing credit card details. This can be avoided by looking to other successful pricing plans like Candy Crush or WhatsApp. By allowing the user to use the platform for free for one year, the user is allowed to adopt the platform as a daily tool. The user is made aware that the first year is free, however after that, the user must either allow the platform to broadcast their usage of the tool, or be changed per Provider/Module per unit of time (Year?).

This would either bring in a constant stream of cash-flow, or provide free advertising.

Another option is to provide free access in exchange for successful referrals. This helps encourage the viral nature of the application.

Web implementation

The Web implementation is effectively the Web UI over the cloud services. By enabling cookies (Remember me), when navigating the browser to with the querystring specifying the contact id (Phone number or email address etc), the Contact Dashboard can be displayed directly. This will then allow for very simple triggering systems on clients. For example a small service that accepts push messages (Bluetooth, WebSockets, ISDN, USB, WiDi) and then just open a browser to call wall for the contact. This will provide a broad reach of systems as simple implementations can just be the service that opens a browser.

Sequence diagrams

Authentication Sequence Authentication Sequence Image

Linking social media accounts

Linking social media accounts Image

-- Junk notes below--

Context Glass


Context Switcher
