CallanVass / Text-Based-Adventure-Game

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Spoilers Ahead

R3 Bibliography/References:

R4 Github Link:

Repository link

R5 Style Guide:

Styling convention follows what is essentially PEP8, but with the notable exception of line length among my lines of code. Modularising to a higher extent would fix this. I've set a ruler in my settings.json file to ensure it doesn't happen again.

Here is the guide

R6 List Of Features:

Feature 1 -- Changeable Notebook

Feature 2 -- Blood Glut Meter

Feature 3 -- Multiple Rooms/Ways To Escape

R7 Checklist Of Features:

Feature 1 -- Changeable Notebook

Feature 2 -- Blood Glut Meter

Feature 3 -- Multiple Endings/Ways To Escape

Testing These Features:

To test the games endings function as they should, I have gone through each and every single one to make sure the ending displayed corresponds correctly with the actions the user has taken throughout the game.

This includes endings such as the 'blugeon self' ending, where the character simply ends the game early, the ending where Dracula is killed by the player, the ending where the player spares Dracula, the ending where the player is let past the Ominous Spirit due to answering the riddle, another where the Ominous Spirit lets the player by due to being annoyed with their staring.

On top of these, I have ensured that the endings change when certain boolean values are True or False - such as changes in the endings due to having freed the prisoners or not.

Tracking implementation of features:

All images tracking the implementaion plan can be found in the images folder. I will add some here, but for brevity's sake, most will reside within the images folder.

A screenshot of my planning.

A screenshot of the implementation.

A screenshot of the implementation.

A screenshot of the implementation.

A screenshot of the implementation.

R8 Installation instructions:

System requirements:

Most operating systems will run Python 3. In case you're curious, here is a list of requirements:

You may want to have more than this if you want a smoother experience.


Step 1:

Which terminal to use?


First you'll want to install Ubuntu, which is a subsytem of Linux for Windows. Essentially, this lets you run Linux (an operating system) on your own operating system by creating an miniature environment where that can safely happen.

(If you're on windows, here is the installation link for the Microsoft Store.)[]

Once you've installed Ubuntu, you will be prompted to create a username and password. It's advised you create a username and password you'll remember, as you may need it again in the future if you wish to use Linux again.


If you're a Mac user, you can simply navigate to your own Terminal app.

Step 2:

Navitage to the GitHub repository and copy the text from the HTTPS submenu under the green code button. (Here is a link for those who've forgotten.)[]

A picture of where to navigate on GitHub to download the repository.

Navigate to where you would like the file to be cloned into (placed) using the "cd" function (meaning change directory). E.g "cd thisfolder". You can make a new folder to put it in, or simply install it in the home directory, although it's highly recommended to create a new directory (folder).

For Ubuntu and Mac users alike, this is achieved via the "mkdir" command, followed by the name you wish to use for the folder. E.g "mkdir game" to create a new directory named "game".

Once you're in the directory you want to use, enter the command "git clone". Simply put, all you need to type is "git clone" followed by the link you've just copied from the submenu in GitHub. Then simply hit enter.

Step 3:

Once you've done this, navigate into the folder itself. You'll see a few different files, however all you need to do is enter this command: "./". This command will check you have Python installed, and if you don't it will do the installation for you. It will do the same with the dependencies of the project, so there's no need to lift a finger. After that, it will run the game. Simple as that.

If you ever wish to run the game again, simply enter that same command.

You'll likely see something similar to this, but instead of informing you that you've got it installed, it will likely do the installation for you. You may have to enter your password to install the dependencies.

A picture of what the terminal might look like.

How to use:

Dracula's Castle is a text-based adventure game where the user picks from a number of options each turn, which dictate what the character of the game will do. Options usually range between 1 and 6, and all the user need do is type the number of the action they wish to complete and hit the Enter key.

Sometimes the game will prompt conflict, and it will initiate a time-based user reaction (sort of like a quick-time event) that prompts the user to hit Enter to fight. With these events, you must be quick. Especially with the final fight. Sometimes if you fail you will be prompted again immediately. Ensure you react quickly and press Enter once more, or risk losing more health!

Throughout the game you will be able to make deciscions that lead to you having higher blood glut. Usually, this means killing people. Having a higher blood glut will cancel you out from completing certain tasks, but it will open many more doors than it closes. Keep this in mind.