CameronHeadlee / Ear-Worm

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Welcome to Project 1! This is an important step in your full-stack journey as you will now use your newly acquired skills and knowledge to build web application from scratch. With your team, you will conceive and execute a design that solves a real-world problem by integrating data received from multiple server-side API requests.

Because you will be working collaboratively, you will learn agile development methodologies and implement feature and bug fixes using git branch workflow and pull requests.



-Must have at least two server-side APIs -Must use a CSS framework other than Bootstrap -Must use client-side storage to store the persistent data -Must have a polished, mobile-first UI -Must meet good quality coding standards (indentation, scoping, naming, etc.) -Does NOT use alerts, confirms, or prompts (look into modals) -Must be deployed to Github Pages -Must be interactive (i.e: accept and respond to user input);

Project Title : Ear~Worm

APIs being used:

CSS frame work being used :

Links to both Github Repository and Github Published Site

Github Repo:

Deployed URL: