CamilaFernandesdev / smart_home_projeto_integrador

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Smart Home - Projeto Integrador

This README provides an overview of the Smart Home project, a mobile application developed using Flutter. The project was completed as part of a university course and aims to control two lamps by connecting to an ESP32 device. This document will guide you through setting up the project, running it on both Android and iOS, and understanding its key features.

First Version

Table of Contents

Project Overview

The Smart Home Flutter App is designed to provide users with a convenient way to control two lamps in their home. The app connects to an ESP32 device via Wi-Fi and allows users to turn the lamps on and off remotely. This app, initially developed as a project for the 'Projeto Integrador' course at Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná (UTFPR), has been successfully completed and approved. Currently, I am actively working on improving the project and implementing new features.



Getting Started


Before you begin, ensure you have met the following requirements:


  1. Clone the repository to your local machine:

    git clone
  2. Change your working directory to the project folder:

    cd smart-home-flutter
  3. Install the Flutter packages:

    flutter pub get


  1. Open the project in your preferred Flutter development environment (e.g., Android Studio, VSCode).
  2. Configure the ESP32 device to run the provided firmware to control the lamps.
  3. Modify the ESP32 connection settings in the Flutter app code to match your ESP32's IP address and port.
  4. Build and run the app on an Android or iOS emulator or a physical device.
  5. Connect to your ESP32 device via the app.
  6. Use the app to control the two lamps by turning them on or off.


Contributions to this project are welcome. To maintain an organized version history and follow semantic commit standards, we recommend using meaningful commit messages. You can contribute in various ways: