CampbellGroup / common

Shared campbell lab code.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Shared campbell lab code.



There are a number of packages that should be installed:

Environment Variables

The first thing that needs to happen to make this work is to set the environment variables that Labrad expects to have. These tell it what settings to use, and are consistent throughout our lab:

Name Setting Description
LABRADHOST localhost (or an IP) The hostname or IP address where the manager is running. If you want this computer to connect to another one, use that computer's IP address.
LABRADPORT 7682 TCP port to use when connecting to the labrad manager.
LABRADPASSWORD lab Password to use for connecting to the manager. If left blank, you'll be prompted for a password every time.
LABRAD_TLS off Transport Level Security (TLS) mode to use for securing connections to the manager.
LABRAD_TLS_PORT 7643 TCP port to use when connecting to the labrad manager with a connection initially secured by TLS.
LABRADNODE \<name of the node> Used by the node server as the name of the labrad node running on this machine.


See issue templates located at before submitting issues


New code should...


Adapted from pylabrad contribution guidelines


  1. User iHaveIssues posts an issue. The issue explains the desired feature or bug to be fixed.

  2. User c0der creates a new branch for development regarding the issue. The branch name is XX-brief-description-of-issue where XX is the issue number.

  3. Development is done in the branch via a series of commits.

  4. When the feature is nearly complete or the bug is fixed, a pull request is filed by a user iPullRequest (usually iPullRequest is the same person as c0der). This notifies other users that new code is ready for review. iPullRequests should ask for a code reviews from qualified users. Those users review the code by reading the changes and running the test code.

  5. Users may add more commits to address outstanding issues with the code.

  6. Once user iDoReviews thinks the code is in good shape, they comment "LGTM" (looks good to me) in the pull request comments.

  1. Tests are highly encouraged for any new functionality.
$ nosetests -w common\tests


Commit messages

Your commit message documents your changes for all time. Take pride in it. Commits should follow this format:

Small fixes

For small fixes, there is no need to open an issue. The contributor must still create a new branch and make a PR for code review. The branch name should be prefixed with minor instead of an issue number.

Examples of small fixes include:
 * Changing an error (or success) message to be more descriptive.
 * Updating docstrings.