Download and install Core
Download and install Node
Download and install PostgreSQL (Take note of the password entered during installation)
Clone this repo and open in your preferred IDE (Must support C#, if unsure use Visual Studio)
Open HELPS/appsettings.json and replace \
Open a terminal and move into the HELPS directory
cd \
Run the following command to install node dependencies
npm install --prefix ClientApp
Run the following command to build a database per the .net entity model
dotnet ef database update
Start the project by running the following command or through your IDE's run config:
dotnet run
The command should output the local address of the project, open the link
Now listening on: https://localhost:5001
You should be presented with a home page with a couple of tabs at the top of the screen, navigate to Fetch Data
If the project displays something like "Unhandled Rejection (SyntaxError)", you likely have clicked the wrong output link or have not configured your database correctly.
If you can run queries against your database (See steps 13 - 16), repeat step 5 ensuring the password is correct and does not include quotes or these symbols "<>"
Once the fetch data page is displaying an empty list, open a database manager that supports PostgreSQL (If unsure use pgAdmin)
Ensure there is a database "HELPS" that contains a "Students" table within the public schema, if any are not present repeat step 8 and ensure there are no errors in the output
Add a new row to the students table and refresh the "Fetch Data" page (if needed)
If you have something like the image below, everything has worked!