CanadaBry / ValheimDocker

A Docker image to easily setup and run a dedicated server for the early access game Valheim
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Get logs to a file #8

Closed MoryCorp closed 3 years ago

MoryCorp commented 3 years ago

hey, I modiifed the by just addind > log & so logs of the server would be accessible through a direct text file instead of using docker logs. But it seems that this file isn't' created at all. Have you an idea ? Thanks

CanadaBry commented 3 years ago

The shell script doesn’t not run from the volume you mount, so you need to use the full path such as > /home/steam/valheim/server.log &

Let me know if this fixes the issue!

MoryCorp commented 3 years ago

I added /home/steam/valheim/server/valheim_server.x86_64 -name "$SERVER_NAME" -port $SERVER_PORT -world "$SERVER_WORLD" -password "$SERVER_PASSWORD" -savedir "/home/steam/valheim/data" -public 1 > /home/steam/valheim/server.log & to my

This file is still not created inside the container

InB4DevOps commented 3 years ago

I think the problem is USER steam in the dockerfile. That user is not allowed to write to the mounted folder. See my pull request #7

MoryCorp commented 3 years ago

I think the problem is USER steam in the dockerfile. That user is not allowed to write to the mounted folder. See my pull request #7

Same error with provided fix.

Connecting anonymously to Steam Public...Logged in OK
Waiting for user info...OK
ERROR! Failed to install app '896660' (Disk write failure)
cp: cannot create regular file '/home/steam/valheim/server/': Not a directory
/home/steam/ line 22: /home/steam/valheim/server/valheim_server.x86_64: No such file or directory

valheim inside container belongs to user 1001 :

holory@vps645530:~/apps/valheim_server$ docker exec -it valheim_server bash
steam@eadd06374343:~$ ls -l
total 20
drwxr-xr-x 1 steam steam 4096 Feb 11 15:11 Steam
-rw-r--r-- 1 root  root   943 Feb 10 19:19
drwxr-xr-x 1 steam steam 4096 Feb 11 15:10 steamcmd
drwxrwxr-x 2  1001  1001 4096 Feb 11 15:05 valheim
InB4DevOps commented 3 years ago

How did you apply the fix? You need to rebuild the container in order to make it work.

InB4DevOps commented 3 years ago

And did you pass the correct UID and GID values as ENV vars PGID and PUID?

InB4DevOps commented 3 years ago

@CanadaBry while I appreciate the time and effort you put into this container, I suggest you go and check the valheim docker at

It‘s much more sophisticated and offers more functionality.

MoryCorp commented 3 years ago

How did you apply the fix? You need to rebuild the container in order to make it work.

docker system prune -a

Dockerfile :

FROM debian:buster

# download requirements
RUN apt-get -y update && \
    apt-get -y install lib32gcc1 lib32stdc++6 curl && \
    apt-get clean && \
    rm -rf /var/lib/{apt,dpkg,cache,log}/


# setup steam user
RUN groupadd --gid "${PGID}" -r steam 
RUN useradd -u "${PUID}" -r -g "${PGID}" -m -d /home/steam -c "Valheim server user" steam
WORKDIR /home/steam


# download steamcmd
RUN mkdir steamcmd && cd steamcmd && \
    curl "" | tar zxvf -

# start steamcmd to force it to update itself
RUN ./steamcmd/ +quit && \
    mkdir -pv /home/steam/.steam/sdk32/ && \
    ln -s /home/steam/steamcmd/linux32/ /home/steam/.steam/sdk32/

# start the server main script
ENTRYPOINT ["bash", "/home/steam/"]


usermod -u ${PUID} steam
groupmod -g ${PGID} steam
su -s /bin/bash -c 'id' steam

# update server's data
/home/steam/steamcmd/ \
        +login anonymous \
            +force_install_dir /home/steam/valheim/server \
            +app_update 896660 \

#Copy 64bit steamclient, since it keeps using 32bit
cp /home/steam/steamcmd/linux64/ /home/steam/valheim/server/

#Apply default values for server if not set

#Launch server
export SteamAppId=892970
/home/steam/valheim/server/valheim_server.x86_64 -name "$SERVER_NAME" -port $SERVER_PORT -world "$SERVER_WORLD" -password "$SERVER_PASSWORD" -savedir "/home/steam/valheim/data" -public 1 > /home/steam/valheim/server.log &

#Trap Container Stop for graceful exit
trap "kill -SIGINT $!;" SIGTERM

#Wait for server to exit
while wait $!; [ $? != 0 ]; do true; done
CanadaBry commented 3 years ago

@CanadaBry while I appreciate the time and effort you put into this container, I suggest you go and check the valheim docker at

It‘s much more sophisticated and offers more functionality.

That’s very fair. This docker was created for my personal use but wanted to share it, in case anyone wanted to try it.

The reason I haven’t merged the pull is because the synology I have access to is the 416play which doesn’t have docker installed by default. I am waiting for permission to sideload the spk.

InB4DevOps commented 3 years ago

How did you apply the fix?

You need to rebuild the container in order to make it work.

docker system prune -a

Dockerfile :

FROM debian:buster

# download requirements

RUN apt-get -y update && \

    apt-get -y install lib32gcc1 lib32stdc++6 curl && \

    apt-get clean && \

    rm -rf /var/lib/{apt,dpkg,cache,log}/



# setup steam user

RUN groupadd --gid "${PGID}" -r steam 

RUN useradd -u "${PUID}" -r -g "${PGID}" -m -d /home/steam -c "Valheim server user" steam

WORKDIR /home/steam


# download steamcmd

RUN mkdir steamcmd && cd steamcmd && \

    curl "" | tar zxvf -

# start steamcmd to force it to update itself

RUN ./steamcmd/ +quit && \

    mkdir -pv /home/steam/.steam/sdk32/ && \

    ln -s /home/steam/steamcmd/linux32/ /home/steam/.steam/sdk32/

# start the server main script

ENTRYPOINT ["bash", "/home/steam/"]


usermod -u ${PUID} steam

groupmod -g ${PGID} steam

su -s /bin/bash -c 'id' steam

# update server's data

/home/steam/steamcmd/ \

      +login anonymous \

          +force_install_dir /home/steam/valheim/server \

          +app_update 896660 \


#Copy 64bit steamclient, since it keeps using 32bit

cp /home/steam/steamcmd/linux64/ /home/steam/valheim/server/

#Apply default values for server if not set





#Launch server


export SteamAppId=892970

/home/steam/valheim/server/valheim_server.x86_64 -name "$SERVER_NAME" -port $SERVER_PORT -world "$SERVER_WORLD" -password "$SERVER_PASSWORD" -savedir "/home/steam/valheim/data" -public 1 > /home/steam/valheim/server.log &

#Trap Container Stop for graceful exit

trap "kill -SIGINT $!;" SIGTERM

#Wait for server to exit

while wait $!; [ $? != 0 ]; do true; done

Did you pass GID and UID to the Container? Maybe try the container by lloesche. (See link above)

@CanadaBry don't mean to advertise here don't get me wrong please. I have learned quite a bit from your repository about docker and steamcmd so thanks!

InB4DevOps commented 3 years ago

Btw, how much RAM does the 416 have? Valheim server uses 2,5GB on my 416play ;-)

CanadaBry commented 3 years ago

Btw, how much RAM does the 416 have? Valheim server uses 2,5GB on my 416play ;-)

Got permission to update it/sideload. It actually only has 1GB ram it looks like LOL.

I've got it running now. image

This is all it took on my end to get it to play nice. Still going to look at and test your code, but will probably have to do it later.

CanadaBry commented 3 years ago

@CanadaBry don't mean to advertise here don't get me wrong please. I have learned quite a bit from your repository about docker and steamcmd so thanks!

I don't mind, if something works better for someone, I'drather they use it than pull their hair out. I run my docker through a dedicated box I have running Unraid, so I didn't hit most of these issues. And all my testing is done in WSL.

@MoryCorp if you still want to try my docker, just remove the USER steam from my Dockerfile, that seemed to work no issues right away on my 416. Let me know if that helps!

MoryCorp commented 3 years ago

How did you apply the fix?

You need to rebuild the container in order to make it work.

docker system prune -a Dockerfile :

FROM debian:buster

# download requirements

RUN apt-get -y update && \

    apt-get -y install lib32gcc1 lib32stdc++6 curl && \

    apt-get clean && \

    rm -rf /var/lib/{apt,dpkg,cache,log}/



# setup steam user

RUN groupadd --gid "${PGID}" -r steam 

RUN useradd -u "${PUID}" -r -g "${PGID}" -m -d /home/steam -c "Valheim server user" steam

WORKDIR /home/steam


# download steamcmd

RUN mkdir steamcmd && cd steamcmd && \

    curl "" | tar zxvf -

# start steamcmd to force it to update itself

RUN ./steamcmd/ +quit && \

    mkdir -pv /home/steam/.steam/sdk32/ && \

    ln -s /home/steam/steamcmd/linux32/ /home/steam/.steam/sdk32/

# start the server main script

ENTRYPOINT ["bash", "/home/steam/"]


usermod -u ${PUID} steam

groupmod -g ${PGID} steam

su -s /bin/bash -c 'id' steam

# update server's data

/home/steam/steamcmd/ \

        +login anonymous \

            +force_install_dir /home/steam/valheim/server \

            +app_update 896660 \


#Copy 64bit steamclient, since it keeps using 32bit

cp /home/steam/steamcmd/linux64/ /home/steam/valheim/server/

#Apply default values for server if not set





#Launch server


export SteamAppId=892970

/home/steam/valheim/server/valheim_server.x86_64 -name "$SERVER_NAME" -port $SERVER_PORT -world "$SERVER_WORLD" -password "$SERVER_PASSWORD" -savedir "/home/steam/valheim/data" -public 1 > /home/steam/valheim/server.log &

#Trap Container Stop for graceful exit

trap "kill -SIGINT $!;" SIGTERM

#Wait for server to exit

while wait $!; [ $? != 0 ]; do true; done

Did you pass GID and UID to the Container? Maybe try the container by lloesche. (See link above)

@CanadaBry don't mean to advertise here don't get me wrong please. I have learned quite a bit from your repository about docker and steamcmd so thanks!

I really appreciate the time you're spending trying to help me, thanks.

Did you pass GID and UID to the Container? How should I do that with docker-compose ?

The reason why I am using this repo is because it's really light and it provides a docker-compose.yml. I don't need fancy options like backups etc.

At this point my server runs just fine and is able to save map if I chmod o+w the valheim directory.

MoryCorp commented 3 years ago

@CanadaBry don't mean to advertise here don't get me wrong please. I have learned quite a bit from your repository about docker and steamcmd so thanks!

I don't mind, if something works better for someone, I'drather they use it than pull their hair out. I run my docker through a dedicated box I have running Unraid, so I didn't hit most of these issues. And all my testing is done in WSL.

@MoryCorp if you still want to try my docker, just remove the USER steam from my Dockerfile, that seemed to work no issues right away on my 416. Let me know if that helps!

Sure, I'll give it another try right now. I'll net you know in 5-10mn

InB4DevOps commented 3 years ago

I would not advise to remove USER steam. That means you'd run the server as root. Imagine someone somehow exploits the valheim server then your box might be screwed.

InB4DevOps commented 3 years ago

Btw, how much RAM does the 416 have? Valheim server uses 2,5GB on my 416play ;-)

Got permission to update it/sideload. It actually only has 1GB ram it looks like LOL.

I've got it running now. image

This is all it took on my end to get it to play nice. Still going to look at and test your code, but will probably have to do it later.

This is actually not the way you should be doing it. Better create a new user with RW permissions for the two Valheim folders and only for those. That way the rest of your box is safer in case the valheim server gets compromised.

Does it work with 1GB? I mean can you play on it? :)

MoryCorp commented 3 years ago

Well, anyway it returns an error even if I removed steam user :

valheim    | ERROR! Failed to install app '896660' (Disk write failure)
valheim    | cp: cannot create regular file '/home/steam/valheim/server/': Not a directory
valheim    | /home/steam/ line 22: /home/steam/valheim/server/valheim_server.x86_64: No such file or directory
MoryCorp commented 3 years ago

My files :


And inside the container :


InB4DevOps commented 3 years ago

Did you pass GID and UID to the Container?

MoryCorp commented 3 years ago

Did you pass GID and UID to the Container?

Oh yeah sorry that's what I forgot to ask. How should I do that with docker-compose ? :)

I tried something like you did with :

RUN groupadd --gid "${PGID}" -r steam 
RUN useradd -u "${PUID}" -r -g "${PGID}" -m -d /home/steam -c "Valheim server user" steam
InB4DevOps commented 3 years ago

on your host find UID and GID of user holory (or the one with RW permissions to the mounted folders) via id <username> then add to the compose yml file under environment (say UID is 1024, GID is 100):

below - SERVER_WORLD=Dedicated

- PGID=100
- PUID=1024
MoryCorp commented 3 years ago

image image

I did a system prune -a just in case And still have disk failure

InB4DevOps commented 3 years ago

Can you please create a new container? Just to make sure that no existing wrong permissions are messing with you :) (or does prune do just that?)

Also try to put it below the first environment: block - not sure if it can handle 2 environments


This is what permissions eg for server_data should be. my host user is named steam in group users

InB4DevOps commented 3 years ago

image image

I did a system prune -a just in case And still have disk failure

Also: the volumes part looks wrong you need to have two folders mounted as volumes, so it looks something like this:


MoryCorp commented 3 years ago

Can you please create a new container? Just to make sure that no existing wrong permissions are messing with you :) (or does prune do just that?)

I created a new container but yes that's the purpose of docker system prune -a, removes all unused images, containers etc.

Also try to put it below the first environment: block - not sure if it can handle 2 environments

Yeah my bad didn't even noticed there was already an environment block

Still have the same error for now

InB4DevOps commented 3 years ago

Check your volume mounts. The one you're using is wrong.

MoryCorp commented 3 years ago

image image I did a system prune -a just in case And still have disk failure

Also: the volumes part looks wrong you need to have two folders mounted as volumes, so it looks something like this:


Ok so i means the provider docker-compose is wrong for now ? I'll try with your volumes then

MoryCorp commented 3 years ago


Something like this ?

InB4DevOps commented 3 years ago

Wait. The directory setup has been changed since I last checked. In my version it still used two mounts. Yours is actually correct.

MoryCorp commented 3 years ago

Wait. The directory setup has been changed since I last checked. In my version it still used two mounts. Yours is actually correct.

Fock :D I'm killing the container then

InB4DevOps commented 3 years ago

Try an absolute path instead of ./valheim

MoryCorp commented 3 years ago

Try an absolute path instead of ./valheim


MoryCorp commented 3 years ago

valheim_again | ERROR! Failed to install app '896660' (Disk write failure) valheim_again | cp: cannot create regular file '/home/steam/valheim/server/': Not a directory valheim_again | /home/steam/ line 22: /home/steam/valheim/server/valheim_server.x86_64: No such file or directory

Damn that's the first time I am having hard times with docker

MoryCorp commented 3 years ago

Inside the container : image

MoryCorp commented 3 years ago


InB4DevOps commented 3 years ago

Unless you have passed 1000 as PUID this is wrong and should be 1001 (as per the screenshot you sent) 1000 is default and not the value you passed as ENV vars.

Did you clone the entire branch from my fork or just pick a few lines? I built a container based on my branch and it works. Since you have another compose yml than I have, I think that you must have done something wrong applying my changes.

InB4DevOps commented 3 years ago

please paste dockerfile, compose yml and here.

MoryCorp commented 3 years ago

Dockerfile I am using

FROM debian:buster

# download requirements
RUN apt-get -y update && \
    apt-get -y install lib32gcc1 lib32stdc++6 curl && \
    apt-get clean && \
    rm -rf /var/lib/{apt,dpkg,cache,log}/


# setup steam user
RUN groupadd --gid "${PGID}" -r steam 
RUN useradd -u "${PUID}" -r -g "${PGID}" -m -d /home/steam -c "Valheim server user" steam
WORKDIR /home/steam

RUN mkdir server_scripts
COPY server_scripts/

# download steamcmd
RUN mkdir steamcmd && cd steamcmd && \
    curl "" | tar zxvf -

# start steamcmd to force it to update itself
RUN ./steamcmd/ +quit && \
    mkdir -pv /home/steam/.steam/sdk32/ && \
    ln -s /home/steam/steamcmd/linux32/ /home/steam/.steam/sdk32/

# start the server main script
ENTRYPOINT ["bash", "/home/steam/server_scripts/"]

From here, should I edit GID and PID to 1001 ?

And :


usermod -u ${PUID} steam
groupmod -g ${PGID} steam
su -s /bin/bash -c 'id' steam

# update server's data
/home/steam/steamcmd/ \
        +login anonymous \
            +force_install_dir /home/steam/server_data \
            +app_update 896660 \

#Copy 64bit steamclient, since it keeps using 32bit
cp /home/steam/steamcmd/linux64/ /home/steam/server_data

#Apply default values for server if not set

#Trap Container Stop for graceful exit
trap "echo 1 > server_exit.drp;" SIGTERM

#Launch server
export SteamAppId=892970
/home/steam/server_data/valheim_server.x86_64 -name "$SERVER_NAME" -port $SERVER_PORT -world "$SERVER_WORLD" -password "$SERVER_PASSWORD" -public 1 & 

#Wait for server to exit
while wait $!; [ $? != 0 ]; do true; done

Compose :

version: '3.3'
        image: wilso224/valheim_dedicated_server
        container_name: valheim
            - 'home/holory/apps/valheim_server/valheim:/home/steam/valheim'
            - '2456:2456/udp'
            - '2457:2457/udp'
            - '2458:2458/udp'
            - SERVER_NAME=Holory
            - SERVER_PORT=2456
            - SERVER_PASSWORD=morycorp
            - SERVER_WORLD=Dedicated
            - PGID=1001
            - PUID=1001
InB4DevOps commented 3 years ago

ls -l in home/holory/apps/valheim_server please

also try /home/... instead of home/...

MoryCorp commented 3 years ago


MoryCorp commented 3 years ago

also try /home/... instead of home/...

Oh yeah it was already /home/ actually

InB4DevOps commented 3 years ago

Oh look, your file still uses that /home/steam/server_data bit

maybe try the mounts from my screenshots

MoryCorp commented 3 years ago

Oh look, your file still uses that /home/steam/server_data bit

maybe try the mounts from my screenshots

All right it works. It seems that I mixed both configuration.

What should I do right now to use the current configuration without server_data ?

Edit : I'll definitly buy you a beer

MoryCorp commented 3 years ago

Oh well, I should wait it seems that @CanadaBry is currently working on it

MoryCorp commented 3 years ago

God damn, we were so close. I tried with the new push and disk failure again

CanadaBry commented 3 years ago

God damn, we were so close. I tried with the new push and disk failure again

yeah current commits didn't work. reverted back to a couple days ago till I have time to go at the problem again

InB4DevOps commented 3 years ago

Sorry, I was actually playing the game for a bit - not only worrying about server stuff (which I also love playing with ;) ) So you had it working and then broke it again? ;-)

I think that if you pull my fork and edit the compose yml that it will then work again.