CanadaBry / ValheimDocker

A Docker image to easily setup and run a dedicated server for the early access game Valheim
25 stars 6 forks source link


Changed directory setup now that we can specify where to store saves. If using a previous build you will have to move your current persistent data.

/home/steam/server_data -> /home/steam/valheim/server/

/home/steam/.config/unity3d/IronGate/Valheim -> /home/steam/valheim/data/

if using docker-compose.yml you can use the following to move your pre-existing data to the correct directories.

1) Make a new directory in the same folder as docker-compose.yml, in this case I will call it "valheim" using mkdir valheim 2) Now run mkdir server/ data/ to make the appropriate sub directories. These folders must have these names in order to work. 3) Move the current server binaries in the new valheim/server/ directory 4) Copy/Move your existing saves into the new valheim/data/ directory 5) Point your docker-compose.yml to mount your volume ./valheim:/home/steam/valheim/


A docker application designed to host a dedicated server for the Early Access game Valheim. You can find an up-to-date image on my DockerHub.

Please see below on how to build and/or run this image on your machine.


Environment Variables

Currently there are 4 environment variabels youc an set to configure the server.

Variable Description
SERVER_NAME The name listed in the server browser
SERVER_PORT The port that the game should run on.
SERVER_WORLD The world file you would like the server to load
SERVER_PASSWORD Password to enter server. This currently cannot be blank

Network Setup

If you set your SERVER_PORT=2456, this mean you will be using ports 2456, 2457, 2458 and your server will be listening on port 2457.


Below is the volume you will need to mount to have persistent server files

/home/steam/valheim This folder contains two subfolders

    ./server Directory steamcmd downloads the server files to

    ./data This is where the game stores your world files and banlist, etc.

Be sure to create the directories on your host machine before mounting them with Docker or this will result in a Disk Write Failure from steamcmd.

If you already ran the docker before creating the directories run sudo chown -R $(id -u) valheim/ to take ownership of the folders. Restart the container and it should work now.


To use the docker-compose.yml run the following commands.

mkdir valheim/
docker-compose up -d

You can use this command to build the image and run the code.

docker build -t valheim .
mkdir -p /opt/valheim/
docker run -d --name=valheim \
    -v /opt/valheim/:/home/steam/valheim/ \
    -p \
    -p \
    -p \
    -e SERVER_NAME="Valheim Docker" \
    -e SERVER_PORT=2456 \
    -e SERVER_PASSWORD="secret" \
    -e SERVER_WORLD="Dedicated" \

Please use docker container stop to shutdown the server and avoid rollbacks

Thanks to

Respawner - For the base DockerFile used for the image in docker-steamcmd

bearlikelion - For the docker-compose.yml and example commands.