Cap-go / capacitor-social-login

One plugin to make login with Google,Apple,Facebook and so on, simple and fast to implement
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All social logins in one plugin

This plugin implement social auth for:

We plan in the future to keep adding others social login and make this plugin the all in one solution.



npm install @capgo/capacitor-social-login
npx cap sync


How to get the credentials How to setup redirect url

Android configuration

For android you need a server to get the callback from the apple login. As we use the web SDK .

Call the initialize method with the apple provider

await SocialLogin.initialize({
  apple: {
    clientId: 'your-client-id',
    redirectUrl: 'your-redirect-url',
const res = await SocialLogin.login({
  provider: 'apple',
  options: {
    scopes: ['email', 'profile'],

iOS configuration

call the initialize method with the apple provider

await SocialLogin.initialize({
  apple: {
    clientId: 'your-client-id', // it not used at os level only in plugin to know which provider initialize
const res = await SocialLogin.login({
  provider: 'apple',
  options: {
    scopes: ['email', 'profile'],


Android configuration

More information can be found here:

Then call the initialize method with the facebook provider

await SocialLogin.initialize({
  facebook: {
    appId: 'your-app-id',
    clientToken: 'your-client-token',
const res = await SocialLogin.login({
  provider: 'facebook',
  options: {
    permissions: ['email', 'public_profile'],

iOS configuration

In file ios/App/App/AppDelegate.swift add or replace the following:

import UIKit
import Capacitor
import FBSDKCoreKit

class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {

    var window: UIWindow?

    func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
        // Override point for customization after application launch.
            didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: launchOptions

        return true


    func application(_ app: UIApplication, open url: URL, options: [UIApplication.OpenURLOptionsKey: Any] = [:]) -> Bool {
        // Called when the app was launched with a url. Feel free to add additional processing here,
        // but if you want the App API to support tracking app url opens, make sure to keep this call
        if (FBSDKCoreKit.ApplicationDelegate.shared.application(
            open: url,
            sourceApplication: options[UIApplication.OpenURLOptionsKey.sourceApplication] as? String,
            annotation: options[UIApplication.OpenURLOptionsKey.annotation]
        )) {
            return true;
        } else {
            return ApplicationDelegateProxy.shared.application(app, open: url, options: options)

Add the following in the ios/App/App/info.plist file inside of the outermost <dict>:


More information can be found here:

Then call the initialize method with the facebook provider

await SocialLogin.initialize({
  facebook: {
    appId: 'your-app-id',
const res = await SocialLogin.login({
  provider: 'facebook',
  options: {
    permissions: ['email', 'public_profile'],


How to get the credentials

Android configuration

Directly call the initialize method with the google provider

await SocialLogin.initialize({
  google: {
    webClientId: 'your-client-id', // the web client id for Android and Web
const res = await SocialLogin.login({
  provider: 'google',
  options: {
    scopes: ['email', 'profile'],

iOS configuration

Call the initialize method with the google provider

await SocialLogin.initialize({
  google: {
    iOSClientId: 'your-client-id', // the iOS client id
    iOSServerClientId: 'your-server-client-id', // the iOS server client id (optional)
const res = await SocialLogin.login({
  provider: 'google',
  options: {
    scopes: ['email', 'profile'],


* [`initialize(...)`](#initialize) * [`login(...)`](#login) * [`logout(...)`](#logout) * [`isLoggedIn(...)`](#isloggedin) * [`getAuthorizationCode(...)`](#getauthorizationcode) * [`refresh(...)`](#refresh) * [Interfaces](#interfaces) ### initialize(...) ```typescript initialize(options: InitializeOptions) => Promise ``` Initialize the plugin | Param | Type | | ------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------- | | **`options`** | InitializeOptions | -------------------- ### login(...) ```typescript login(options: LoginOptions) => Promise ``` Login with the selected provider | Param | Type | | ------------- | ----------------------------------------------------- | | **`options`** | LoginOptions | **Returns:** Promise<LoginResult> -------------------- ### logout(...) ```typescript logout(options: { provider: "apple" | "google" | "facebook"; }) => Promise ``` Logout | Param | Type | | ------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------- | | **`options`** | { provider: 'facebook' \| 'google' \| 'apple'; } | -------------------- ### isLoggedIn(...) ```typescript isLoggedIn(options: isLoggedInOptions) => Promise<{ isLoggedIn: boolean; }> ``` IsLoggedIn | Param | Type | | ------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------- | | **`options`** | isLoggedInOptions | **Returns:** Promise<{ isLoggedIn: boolean; }> -------------------- ### getAuthorizationCode(...) ```typescript getAuthorizationCode(options: AuthorizationCodeOptions) => Promise ``` Get the current access token | Param | Type | | ------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | **`options`** | AuthorizationCodeOptions | **Returns:** Promise<AuthorizationCode> -------------------- ### refresh(...) ```typescript refresh(options: LoginOptions) => Promise ``` Refresh the access token | Param | Type | | ------------- | ----------------------------------------------------- | | **`options`** | LoginOptions | -------------------- ### Interfaces #### InitializeOptions | Prop | Type | | -------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | **`facebook`** | { appId: string; clientToken: string; } | | **`google`** | { iOSClientId?: string; iOSServerClientId?: string; webClientId?: string; } | | **`apple`** | { clientId?: string; redirectUrl?: string; } | #### LoginResult | Prop | Type | Description | | -------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------- | | **`provider`** | 'facebook' \| 'google' \| 'apple' \| 'twitter' | Provider | | **`result`** | FacebookLoginResponse \| GoogleLoginResponse \| AppleProviderResponse | Payload | #### FacebookLoginResponse | Prop | Type | | ------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | **`accessToken`** | AccessToken \| null | | **`profile`** | { userID: string; email: string \| null; friendIDs: string[]; birthday: string \| null; ageRange: { min?: number; max?: number; } \| null; gender: string \| null; location: { id: string; name: string; } \| null; hometown: { id: string; name: string; } \| null; profileURL: string \| null; name: string \| null; imageURL: string \| null; } | | **`authenticationToken`** | string \| null | #### AccessToken | Prop | Type | | ------------------------- | --------------------- | | **`applicationId`** | string | | **`declinedPermissions`** | string[] | | **`expires`** | string | | **`isExpired`** | boolean | | **`lastRefresh`** | string | | **`permissions`** | string[] | | **`token`** | string | | **`userId`** | string | #### GoogleLoginResponse | Prop | Type | | ----------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | **`accessToken`** | AccessToken \| null | | **`idToken`** | string \| null | | **`profile`** | { email: string \| null; familyName: string \| null; givenName: string \| null; id: string \| null; name: string \| null; imageUrl: string \| null; } | #### AppleProviderResponse | Prop | Type | | ----------------------- | --------------------------- | | **`user`** | string \| null | | **`email`** | string \| null | | **`givenName`** | string \| null | | **`familyName`** | string \| null | | **`identityToken`** | string \| null | | **`authorizationCode`** | string \| null | #### LoginOptions | Prop | Type | Description | | -------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------- | | **`provider`** | 'facebook' \| 'google' \| 'apple' \| 'twitter' | Provider | | **`options`** | FacebookLoginOptions \| GoogleLoginOptions \| AppleProviderOptions | Options | #### FacebookLoginOptions | Prop | Type | Description | Default | | ------------------ | --------------------- | ---------------- | ------------------ | | **`permissions`** | string[] | Permissions | | | **`limitedLogin`** | boolean | Is Limited Login | false | | **`nonce`** | string | Nonce | | #### GoogleLoginOptions | Prop | Type | Description | Default | Since | | ------------------------ | --------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------ | ----- | | **`scopes`** | string[] | Specifies the scopes required for accessing Google APIs The default is defined in the configuration. | | | | **`nonce`** | string | Nonce | | | | **`grantOfflineAccess`** | boolean | Set if your application needs to refresh access tokens when the user is not present at the browser. In response use `serverAuthCode` key | false | 3.1.0 | #### AppleProviderOptions | Prop | Type | Description | | ------------ | --------------------- | ----------- | | **`scopes`** | string[] | Scopes | | **`nonce`** | string | Nonce | | **`state`** | string | State | #### isLoggedInOptions | Prop | Type | Description | | -------------- | ---------------------------------------------- | ----------- | | **`provider`** | 'facebook' \| 'google' \| 'apple' | Provider | #### AuthorizationCode | Prop | Type | Description | | --------- | ------------------- | ----------- | | **`jwt`** | string | Jwt | #### AuthorizationCodeOptions | Prop | Type | Description | | -------------- | ---------------------------------------------- | ----------- | | **`provider`** | 'facebook' \| 'google' \| 'apple' | Provider |