CapSap / paddy-pronto-magento

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Automating pronto selling and putting comment in magento

A list of commands (cheatsheet)

npm run build - this will re-build the script files after you have made changes

npm run once - this will run the selling script once

npm run skip - this will run the selling script once and skip the first order (due to credit limit)

npm run scheduler - this will run the selling script once every 30 mins

node build/scripts/scheduler/scheduler.js XX - this will run the selling script every XX number of minutes


Overall goal is to automate a tedious admin process that invovles 2 seperate systems that are linked only by a human process. About 1-2 mins of human time will be saved per order

2 parts to this script:


A big challenge were the intermittant failings, and pupateer's waitForNetworkIdle() and waitForNavigation() were not enough to ensure that the DOM was fully loaded.

I also had a little trouble trying to run an async function, passing each element in an array. AND this function must run synchronously ie in series. (fun bug discovered here). I think I'd like to refactor and use an Array.reduce but I had some trouble with typescript. I'm still having trouble with typescript, and I don't like that I'm avoiding using reduce.

Imagined workflow

  1. login to mag and pronto web
  2. get to the right place in pronto
  3. extract all the pronto data
  4. loop through data and do nessessary pronto steps
  5. get a result value and provide to user (pronto successful or not)
  6. do nessessary magento steps
  7. done

Prerequisite software required to run script

How to install and contribute

  1. pull the repo
  2. run npm install
  3. you will need to create a .env file with all relevant credentials.
  4. run npm run build this will run the tsc (typescript compiler) on all files in src.
  5. If you would like to make changes, run npm run dev. This will run the compiler and watch for changes
  6. run npm run once to see the script in action

How to complete tasks (detailed instructions)

How to sell orders (Sell in pronto, add receipt no into magento)

  1. Ensure that the terminal is open in the project folder. Should look like this:


  1. Also ensure that you are connected to the paddy vpn network (browser needs access to magento)
  2. Type node build/scripts/runOnce.js or npm run once and press enter to run this command (you can use tab to autocomplete)
  3. Sit back and relax
  4. Any dramas report to charlie or submit an issue on github
  5. If you do encouter a credit limit issue, you can run npm run skip

Sell in pronto, add receipt no into magento - Run on a schedule

  1. run npm run build
  2. Ensure that you are connected to network and running VPN
  3. From the root folder run node build/scripts/scheduler/scheduler.js XX (the XX is where you will put a number in minutes)
  4. This will run the script for XX number of minutes. If you don't put anything, the script will run every 30 mins by default

Add receipts into Magento

  1. run npm run build
  2. Ensure that you are connected to network and running VPN
  3. You will need to put a CSV into this folder: /build/scripts/addReceiptsIntoMagneo
  4. The headings must be there (the first line will be removed) and the order must be:
prontoNumber magnetoNumber
123456 10000000
  1. run node build/scripts/addReceiptsIntoMagento/addReceiptsIntoMagentoViaCsv.js

If you have the data from the output of a console, you can run this script with this data as a JS object

  1. Go into the addReceiptsIntoMagento.ts file, and import the data
  2. Tweak the script within this file to accept the data
  3. run npm run build
  4. run node build/scripts/addReceiptsIntoMagento/addReceiptsIntoMagento.js

What's next?