CaptainCoderOrg / CapMan

A Pac Man Inspired Game for Learning and Fun!
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A Pac Man Inspired Game for Learning and Fun!


Fruits are hats that change the game (kinda like power ups / power downs). Bowler Hat (Odd Job) is a weapon you can use to kill Enemies Hat Overflow: All enemies blow up

Dunce Cap: Power Down

Zak McKraken Alien hat

What should Dots / Power Pills be? What should Enemies be?

Iconic hats:

Ideas We probably won't do

We "Fixed" Cap Man to flip rather than rotate

We voted on it!

Generating Test Coverage

This requires ReportGenerator: LINK

dotnet test -p:CollectCoverage=true -p:CoverletOutputFormat=cobertura
reportgenerator -reports:CapMan.Tests/coverage.cobertura.xml  -targetdir:html-coverage-report/