This bot is designed to play Eatventure for you! At the moment it can upgrade stations, complete upgrades in the upgrades menu and collect crates.
To run the bot type the following command: python3
and it will connect to your phone and start playing.
It will first check for updates.
If the bot seems to be running but not doing anything, try restarting the VNC server on your phone (trust me).
To pause the bot press: f7
To unpause the bot press: f9
To stop the bot press: ctrl+c
in your terminal where it is running.
To install the bot clone the repo and open a terminal inside of the newly cloned repo.
Install the requirements with: pip install -r reqirements.txt
To allow the bot to connect to your phone you need to download a VNC server on your phone.
On Android I would recommend using DroidVNC: Find it here
I have not tested it on IOS so if you have a Apple phone feel free to update this readme. I would try downloading a VNC server like Android and following their instuctions.
Then you will probably need to allow the app permissions on your phone by following the instructions they give you.
When you run the bot it will ask for you to put in your IP.