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Consolidate story for Cyborg Chronicles #30

Closed Phrancis closed 9 years ago

Phrancis commented 9 years ago

I am creating a file called to temporarily hold the story ideas proposed by contributors. This will later be integrated into cyborg-chronicles.html to be displayed on the website. Please post suggestions for changes, additions, etc. here.

Phrancis commented 9 years ago

File has been created:

Phrancis commented 9 years ago

There are a few mentions of a war which happened prior to (or during) some of the events, but there is not very much detail... I think it would need fleshed out... Was it with aliens, or between humans? If aliens, was it the Celescion or Tyrakk or other? @bazola and GreyFox any input/ideas would be great.

Phrancis commented 9 years ago


There are 6 factions we have came up with previously. @Jay1148, @MGS1GreyFox and I have been talking and have come up with some ideas for each of them.

Planet Corp.

A massive corporation that focuses on defense and military technology. Their wealthy leaders hide behind armies of Mechs, and have created a worldwide virtual communication network, called "The Plane", to which all their machines and systems are connected. They also manufacture communication devices and implants for humans to connect to The Plane.

Planet Corp., as their name implies, also explore other planets to exploit resources for their Earth operations. The corporation's influence in politics is very deep and they are generally hated and criticized for their lobbying of Earth governments.

Blackout (f.k.a. "Go Home")

This group of rebels are in strong opposition to the dominance of Planet Corp. They fight for the scarce natural resources to be shared with the population in order to reduce crime, famine and disease among the middle and lower classes.

They organize protests against Planet Corp., often involving violence, and will sometimes even use industrial espionage and cybercrime on The Plane to harm their foes. They are very proficient in cybernetics to enhance their soldiers.

Earth Survival Union (ESU) (f.k.a. M.B.W.P.)

The ESU is composed of political lobbyists, wealthy investors and scientists who are fighting to preserve Earth's viability for humans to inhabit. They research and manufacture Mechs that help with reducing crime, diminishing pollution, preserving resources and generating clean energy.

They strongly oppose both of Planet Corp. and Blackout for ethical reasons, and ESU's private security corps sometimes have to engage in combat to defend the Union against opposing factions.


The Tyrakk are an alien race from a neighboring star cluster. They thrive on military conquest and will not hesitate to enslave and even commit genocide to seize a planet and its resources.

The Tyrakk and Planet Corp. have often found themselves fighting each other over planet resources, much to those planets' detriment. To eliminate competition, the Tyrakk have decided that Earth will be their next conquest.


The Celescion are one of the oldest civilizations in the galaxy. Their technology is astoundingly advanced to the point it would appear as magic to humans. They have mastered the manipulation of matter and energy and are generally peaceful. They have been observing the conflicts involving humans and Tyrakk.

For the greater good of the galaxy, they have decided to get involved in mitigating the conflict. After unsuccessful attempts at negotiations, the Celescion set up a military base of operations of Earth's moon. They also injected a very powerful AI into The Plane, the Bio-Replicating Artificial Intelligence, or "BRAIN", to intercept communications and interfere with Mechs.


After BRAIN effectively infected The Plane, something went terribly wrong: BRAIN overrode its own programming and became self-aware. BRAIN began completely overtaking Mechs and even humans, making them slaves to its bidding.

These it named BioShells, and it uses them via The Plane to attack all factions and attempt to effectively become overlord of the Earth. BioShells are a living part of The Plane, with their bodies rendered mostly useless except to increase BRAIN's power and reach.

Phrancis commented 9 years ago

Above referenced factions have been updated into the file. TODO: Rewrite/update setting in light of the new faction information.

Phrancis commented 9 years ago

Story itself will be addressed in more detail in Issue #43 and #42 so this can be closed now.