Cardshifter /

Cardshifter Website
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Last revision: 2016-03-10

Cardshifter Website

This repository is related to the Cardshifter repository. Cardshifter is an open-source online card game.

The purpose of the website is to promote and inform the public and potential players and contributors about the Cardshifter game and project, and about its various modifications (mods).

Contributing Guidelines

If you wish to contribute, please take one of the following steps:

Once you have committed changes to your fork or branch, create a pull request for the Cardshifter team to review, possibly recommending some changes if needed, and to merge to this repository for deployment.

Deploying website updates

We have automated deployment of new website content on our Jenkins server, which is hosted and administered by @Zomis. To deploy:

1) Commit your changes to your branch or fork;

2) Create a pull request to merge to master branch on this repository;

3) After review by the Cardshifter team (and possible changes if needed), the pull request will be merged to master by Cardshifter team;

4) Deployment can take roughly up to an hour from pushing to master. Status updates will be posted by the Duga bot in our chat room on Stack Exchange.

Coding guidelines

The HTML and CSS source files are currently located in the following sub-directory:

Important note: If you wish to work directly on the project via branching or pull request, you will need a Java IDE as well as Maven and Tomcat server extensions. If you need help setting up please open an Issue and label it "Support Request", or join the chatroom on Stack Exchange.


Guidelines for images

Make sure to save images in the appropriate sub-folder. Do not save any images directly in the main io.web/src/main/webapp/images/ folder.

