CarlG96 / taskosaurus-frontend

Portfolio project for Code Institute's Project 5 Advanced Front End
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Taskosaurus is a website where the user can sign up and log in with their own profile. From here they are able to create two key items: Tasks and Events. Tasks are things that the user needs to do by a certain date in a work context and Events are things that happen on a certain date and are usually either leisurely or act as milestones in someone's life like a birthday party.

Users can then view their Tasks or Events in the respective list views and can filter based on the Current/ Archived split for the Tasks and whether it is upcoming or in the past for the Events. The Tasks list view will also highlight if the task is overdue and not complete by changing the background color of it in the list view to alert the user.

Users can also view details about a specific Task or Event by clicking on a link from the list view and will then be taken to a detail view. From here they will be able to view details of that specific Task or Event and will be able to edit it or delete the item from their Profile entirely.

The user is also able to edit their profile and change their profile picture which is displayed on the navigation bar.

Taskosaurus has a separate backend API and frontend and this README deals with the frontend React application of the site.


Backend Links

User Stories and Kanban Board

The Taskosaurus project was created using a GitHub Projects Kanban Board to simulate an agile workflow. The Kanban board for the project which includes both backend and frontend tasks can be found here:

Sprint Method

The Taskosaurus project was developed in a series of sprints which were each seven days long, starting at Sprint 0. Each User Story on the Kanban Board except those not completed have been assigned a specific Milestone in order to show which sprint they were completed on. Not all sprints were of equal value because of outside factors but User Stories were split into 'Must Have', 'Should Have' and 'Could Have' labels which designated what I thought they should be categorised as at the start of a sprint as I added items to the 'In Progress' section of the board.

The 'SP:*' labels were used to designate how long I assumed each task would take based on a number of 'story points'. These were assigned at the start of each Sprint.

User Stories

Here are links to epics and user stories involving the Taskosaurus fronted:


Here are a list of pages and their features for the Taskosaurus Frontend

Welcome Page

Welcome Page Wireframes

Desktop not logged in

Desktop logged in



Sign In Page

Sign In Page Wireframes



Sign Up Page

Sign Up Page Wireframes



Tasks Page

Tasks Page Wireframes


Midsize devices


Task Detail Page

Task Detail Page Wireframes



Create Task Page

Create Task Page Wireframes



Events Page

Events Page Wireframes




Event Detail Page

Event Detail Page Wireframes



Create Event Page

Create Event Page Wireframes



Profile Page

Profile Page Wireframes




Future Features


I targetted the Taskosaurus React frontend with manual testing in order to make sure that things were working as expected.

Manual Testing

The markdown file describing the manual tests can be found in the file. It describes the steps I went through to manually ensure that the React frontend worked correctly.


For the Taskosaurus App I decided to use a mostly monochromatic color scheme of white and green because these color schemes often look clean and professional. Variations of a bluish-green were the decided on colors because blue is often used for tech websites (think Facebook or Twitter) and green is pleasing to the eye. An orange color was also used to indicate when a task was overdue but incomplete and orange was chosen because of its good contrast with the other colors. Here are the hex values of the colors that I used:


Montserrat and Lato were imported from Google Fonts to be used in this project.

Montserrat - Chosen for generic headers and larger text and for its legibility. Lato - Chose to contrast with Montserrat for the smaller paragraph-style texts. Also has good legibility.



Libraries/ Dependencies

React JS - The library upon which this project was built. axios - For interceptors and to make requests and respond to the backend API. React Bootstrap - Frontend library used to style Taskosaurus. The reason for this was the ease of designing for multiple different device sizes. jwt-decode - Used to handle JSON Web Tokens. moment - Package to handle the discrepencies between the datetimes of the frontend and the backend. react-infinite-scroll-component - Used to create an infinite scroll component for the Tasks and Events Pages. react-router-dom - Used for navigation of the Taskosaurus site.

Programs used for development

Gitpod extensions


Forking/ Cloning

You can fork the repository with the following steps:

  1. Login to your GitHub account
  2. Locate the repository you wish to fork
  3. Click the 'Fork' button and you'll have a copy of the repo on your own account.

You can clone the repo with the following steps:

  1. Under the 'Code' button in the repository, copy the HTTPS link.
  2. With Git on your local machine, find the directory you want to clone into and set up a Git Bash terminal there.
  3. Type git clone followed by the link to set up the clone on your own system. Note: Your own environment will be different from the original so you will need to set up environment variables and install the requirements for it to run.

Deployment for Gitpod

  1. In Heroku, have a CLIENT_ORIGIN_DEV setting for the backend config vars.
  2. In backend settings, change CORS_ALLOWED_ORIGINS_REGEXES to allow for gitpod environment a proper backend database.
  3. In gitpod for the frontend, run npm start in the console and open the port to test the site using a database.
  4. You could alternatively set the database in the backend to run in gitpod by setting a conditional to set it to the inbuilt sqlite database.

Deployment to Heroku

Most of the complicated handling on environment variables happened in the backend API, so setting up the Taskosaurus frontend was relatively simple, with most of the calls dealing with separate resources being performed in the code.

  1. I logged in and created the app.
  2. Set the Deployment of the project by clicking on the 'Deploy' tab and choosing the method of deployment (I connected to my GitHub and had automatic deploys).
  3. The application deployed after an initial manual deploy.



Date bug

The date for the forms in the DetailedTask and DetailedEvent detail views were not showing the values when pulling from the backend. To combat this I added a conditional to initially show the date in a text field and then if the user wanted to update during an edit they would have to click the Change Date? button after the Edit? buttons in either the DetailedTask or DetailedEvent components.

value/defaultValue on form bug

The handleChange() function would not update the forms in the DetailedTask and DetailedEvent components due to the fact they were being given value properties instead of defaultValue properties. This was a holdover from taking code from the CreateForm components and was easily fixed by changing value props to defaultValue props.

Bug on loading events

Due to the way pagination is handled, the past events/ current events split won't pull directly from the back end and you must scroll down with the infinite scroll component if you have too many items and are switching between them as it will appear that nothing is showing up however it is just the order of the meta class in django which defines whether they get pulled. Because the list view displays based on overdue status this can cause problems.

To solve this I set pagination from 10 to 15 and changed the ordering of events to date updated as this is less likely to not show the event lists which is based on due date at the higher number of items.

Authentication Bug

The cookies were not being set properly although so although an authentication token is issued after signing in, it does not appear in the browser's cookies. This meant that it required a hard refresh of the page after five minutes to refresh the token. I have checked my code against the walkthrough project and have spent three hours with tutors and have been unsuccessful in resolving the issue. I have created a workaround, however, that involves setting these values in the backend:

'ACCESS_TOKEN_LIFETIME': timedelta(minutes=60*24),
'REFRESH_TOKEN_LIFETIME': timedelta(minutes=60*24),

which makes authentication similar to a 24-hour session instead of refreshing the token.