CarletonURocketry / fetcher

A QNX process for fetching data from sensors over I2C.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Configure which sensor drivers are used based on EEPROM contents #18

Closed linguini1 closed 1 month ago

linguini1 commented 4 months ago

Each sensor board has an EEPROM at address 0x50 which contains a plain-text list of all the sensors on the board and their addresses. This EEPROM should be used to select which sensor drivers to use and which addresses each sensor is located at.

On startup, fetcher will read the EEPROM and initialized based on the listing of sensors.

SEN-B: 2024-02-04
MS5611 76 77
MAXM10S 42
SHT41 44

This is what the EEPROM contents look like; each sensor on a new line with all of the addresses it occupies (if there is more than one sensor, there is more than one address).