CarletonURocketry / fetcher

A QNX process for fetching data from sensors over I2C.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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c cli cli-tool cuinspace modular posix process qnx qnx-neutrino raspberry-pi-4 sensors sensors-data-collection unix


A process for fetching data from sensors using the I2C protocol.


See the help documentation with the command: use fetcher.

The output of fetcher looks like:

Time: 1295 ms
Temperature: 25.02 C
Pressure: 99.94 kPa

Sensor data output can either be printed in plain-text, or it can be read from the named message queue fetcher/sensors.

Messages on the message queue start with a one-byte type specifier which is one of the following:

/** Describes possible data types that fetcher is capable of producing. */
typedef enum {
    TAG_TEMPERATURE = 0,      /**< Temperature in degrees Celsius */
    TAG_PRESSURE = 1,         /**< Pressure in kilo Pascals */
    TAG_HUMIDITY = 2,         /**< Humidity in % relative humidity */
    TAG_TIME = 3,             /**< Time in milliseconds */
    TAG_ALTITUDE_SEA = 4,     /**< Altitude above sea level in meters */
    TAG_ALTITUDE_REL = 5,     /**< Altitude above launch height in meters */
    TAG_ANGULAR_VEL = 6,      /**< Angular velocity in degrees per second */
    TAG_LINEAR_ACCEL_REL = 7, /**< Relative linear acceleration in meters per second squared */
    TAG_LINEAR_ACCEL_ABS = 8, /**< Absolute linear acceleration in meters per second squared */
} SensorTag;

Followed by data representing the measurement.

Temperature, pressure, humidity and altitude are floats. Time is a 32 bit integer. Linear acceleration and angular velocity are 3D vectors (vec3d_t) of 3 floats.

Board ID EEPROM Encoding

In order for fetcher to recognize the sensors on the board, the EEPROM must encode the ID in this format:

CU InSpace <board name>
REV <x>: <manufacture date>
<sensor 1 id> <address>
<sensor 2 id> <address> <address2>
