CarlosLing / plant_monitoring

My plants died this winter while I was on vacation... Let's overengineer a solution so I can avoid asking a human being to take care of my plants
MIT License
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My plants died this winter while I was on vacation... Let's overengineer a solution so I can avoid asking a human being to take care of my plants

Start the django server

Install dependencies

pip install -r plant_app/src/requirements.txt

Create key for django application

openssl rand -hex 12 >> .secrets/django_secret_key.txt

Initial migrations

python migrate

Run the server

python runserver

Create sensor:

send post request as:

{"name":"test-sensor", "variable":"humidity", "location": "living room", "arduino_board":"test-board", "plant":"test plant"}

Create sensor readings:

send post request as:




Install pre-commit on your development machine with:

pip install pre-commit

Then set up the hooks with pre-commit install, when you perform your first commit the hooks will initialize and the tasks in the pre-commit-config.yaml will execute.

pre-commit install

check the if there any errors and rectify and re commit again.