Carmoondedraak / FACT-2021

MIT License
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FACT: Towards Visually Explaining Variational Autoencoders


TA: Christos Athanasiadis

Name Email
André Jesus
Carmen Veenker
Kevin Waller
Qiao Ren

Installation and Setup

git clone
cd FACT-2021/expVAE_pl
pip install -r ./requirements.txt

Anomaly Maps Instructions


For a list of all possible arguments, run the following command:

python -h

There are 3 datasets used, namely MNIST, UCSD Pedestrian and MVTec-AD. Each can be downloaded and extracted manually in the folder ./Datasets/. However, the dataset specified by argument --dataset will be downloaded and extracted automatically if it not present in the Datasets folder already.


To train, run the script python By default, this will train and evaluate on the MNIST dataset for 100 epochs, with inlier digit 1 and outlier digit 7. Examples of training:

python --dataset mvtec --mvtec_object metal_nut --epochs 200 --lr 1e-4

This will train a Resnet-18 variational autoencoder on the MVTec Anomaly Detection datset, on images resized to 256x256. Log files are created in folders {dataset}_logs/lightning_logs/version_{version#}, in which we occasionally save sampled input images, reconstruction images, and attention maps on the outlier classes. For the MVTec-AD and UCSD Pedestrian datasets, we include target masks for the outlier class images.


To test, run the script with the added argument of the specified dataset and model version python --dataset {dataset} --model_version {version#}. This will create a new version folder in the lightning_logs folder, where it will save attention maps for outlier images in MNIST, and for MVTec-AD and UCSD Pedestrian, it will include target masks, binary localization images and the original outlier class images. Any quantitative metrics are output at the end of testing, such as AUROC and best IoU.

Tensorboard usage

For more detailed comparison between model performance and metrics, as well as the sample images, run tensorboard on any of the datasets' lightning_logs directory: tensorboard --logdir ./{dataset}_logs/lightning_logs

Reproducing results from the paper

Since the models are too large to upload to the repo, to reproduce the results in the paper, run the script It will run and evaluate models on the dataset MNIST, UCSD Pedestrians and MVTec-AD, and save samples during training in the corresponding lightning_logs/ folders.

Attention Disentanglement Instructions


Download the 2D Shapes(dsprites) Dataset for the correct folder with sh scripts/ dsprites


To training FactorVAE use sh scripts/ To train the AD-FactorVAE use sh scripts/

To Obtain the Attention Maps

For FactorVAE sh scripts/ For AD-FactorVAE sh scripts/

To Generate the plots

Refer to the functions in disentanglement/


  1. Disentangling by Factorising, Kim et al.(

Code References