Carreau / SPQR

Tu quoque mi fili
MIT License
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Roman empire backward compatibility

Still Partially Quompatible with Roman empire allow you to deals with numeral use a long time ago in the BF times (BF as Before Fortran). As you all know the necessity for quick iteration as for long been a goal in the scientific community, as well a reproducibility and backward compatibility. Now you can quickly achieve the efficiency you had to engrave number on you marble tablet calculator from the comfort of your QWERTY keyboard, and replicate studies made at the time of Neron, Ceasar, and all thoses guy you don't remember the name.

Tu quoque mi fili

In [1]: from SPQR import I,V,X,C,M

In [2]: NOW = M.M.X.V # this year

In [3]: AGE = X.X.I.X

In [4]: NOW - AGE

Praise the gods.

You can import the unicode caracters 1-12,50

In[5]: from SPQR.literals import *

And it of course play nice with the gods. In Jupyter you can tab-completes the above characters with:

\roman numeral [one|two|three|...]<tab>

It is also usable inside NumPy arrays and other data structures:

example of adding two numpy arrays with SPQR data


Proudly packaged with flit


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