Carshy / space-traveller-app

An app that allows users to rent their favorite rockets and register for SpaceX missions. - Built with: (React & Redux, REST API)
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Space Travelers Hub

The Space Travelers' Hub is a web application that showcases Rockets, Missions, and the My Profile section. The Rockets section displays a list of all available SpaceX rockets. Users can book each rocket by clicking the reservation button or cancel the previously made booking. The Missions section displays a list of current missions along with their brief description and participation status, a button that allows users to join the selected mission or leave the mission the user joined earlier. The My Profile section displays all reserved rockets and space missions.

The current project is part of the Microverse curriculum module 3 block 4. The main objective is to understand how create a React app, use components, hooks, state, redux, and creating professional documentation for development.


Our team comprise of two members who worked on this project:

Built With

View the live application Here

Getting Started

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.


Any kind of browser and code editor.


1. Clone the repository(
2. Then open the folder in your local environment using any code editor
3. Open terminal
4. Type npm install, this will install all the necessary dependencies
5. Type npm start in your terminal, this will open the project in your browser

Author 1

👤 Collins Musoko

Author 2

👤 Kidist Guta

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

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To microverse

📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.