Carter-Center-Health-Data-Support-Unit / CC-RB-LF-SCH-DASHBOARD

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The goal of CC-RB-LF-SCH-DASHBOARD repository is to run the data pipeline necessary to prepare the data for the CC-RB-LF-SCH Dashboard.

Quick Start

The pipeline is set up as {targets} workflow. Therefore, if you don’t already have it installed you must run install.packages("targets").

Data Sources

list all data sources here in bullet format. I think best to include file name and short description then you can share the path to each file in an email/DM. We will link to all data sources with keys and never put data into the repo

  1. fill here
  2. etc.


The repository is based around an R project (.rproj). The structure will closely follow R package design protocol, but will not be built into a package at this stage. We avoid creating a package-project as we will want to minimize complications when/if we deploy a {targets} workflow.