When browsing styles on Github, a "SELECT" button will appear if you're in a folder that contains a project.json file, that is used as the identifier that you now, in fact, are in a folder that contains a style. If you're in a random folder that contains a project.json file, the select button will still appear, and you'll most likely crash the application if you downloaded that style.
Once downloaded, click on a style in the list to open the editor (on tablet devices) or viewer (on phones). In the top right corner there should be tabs that allow you to switch between css files. To load changes onto the map, press the reload button on the map below the zoom indicator.
The source is loaded from project.json. If your project.json does not contain the source key ("source": "carto.streets"
), the default will be used and your map may not load.
There are three options to store your edited styles:
Changes will not be stored permanently unless you manually save your changes locally.
This application is (relatively) untested, crashes, bugs and other "unexpected features" can be met.
You need Xamarin development tools, including Xamarin Forms to run the app from source.
Github authentication logic is not stored in the repository, you need to create your own github_info.json
with the format:
"username": "<your-username>",
"pa_token": "<your-public-access-token>",
"client_id": "<your-client-id>",
"client_secret": "<your-client-secret>"
and client_secret
are the only required keys used in production mode, other keys are/were for debugging and development purposes.
Additional infomation available in Hubclient.cs: https://github.com/CartoDB/mobile-style-editor/blob/master/mobile_style_editor/Github/HubClient.cs
Additionally, the iOS and UWP versions require that you also create your own drive_client_ids.json
with the following format:
"user": "<your-user-name>",
"description": "Identifiers to request data from Google Drive for com.carto.style.editor via Google Drive API for user {user} (refresh_token is user-specific",
"client_id": "<your-client-id>",
"client_secret": "<your-client-secret",
"refresh_token": "<your-refresh-token>"
Additional information available in DriveClientiOS.cs: https://github.com/CartoDB/mobile-style-editor/blob/master/mobile_style_editor/Google/DriveClientiOS.cs