CassKon / STAT545-hw-konecny-cassandra

Homework Repository
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hw 10 Ready for grading #12

Open CassKon opened 6 years ago

CassKon commented 6 years ago

Please find completed assignment here.

heathersummers commented 6 years ago

Hi Cassandra,

Great work on this assignment, I ran your code and got the same output! Using your code I was able to input other landmarks around Vancouver such as Olympic Village and got a detailed table illustrating the directions to get to the destination including the distance and time for each maneuver. Consistent commenting throughout the code made it easy to follow and understand. I learned a lot from reviewing your code including some detailed if and else statements as well as a new function Sys.sleep. Your report of your process was thorough, and it was great to see you included some areas for improvement that if you had the time were interested in tackling. Overall, excellent job on the assignment and your repository is very well organized.

Enjoy your holidays! Heather

cheungamanda commented 6 years ago

Hi Cassandra, Great work! Here's my review for homework 10:

Coding style: Clear and organized, great job explaining each major step. It would have been nice to see some commenting within your functions (there's a lot going on in there!)

Coding strategy: Logical flow of code, complex code is broken down, great use of techniques taught in class and beyond. I'm impressed by all the functions you created! Good job creating efficient code with your functions and simplifying tasks for yourself. Great use of if statements and for loops.

Presentation - graphs: It would have been nice to see exploration of your resulting data set. However, I'm not too sure how you would analyze directions (hmm...)

Presentation - tables: Tables are well made and great use of kable()

Achievement, mastery, cleverness, creativity: Excellent application of tools and techniques learned from the course and beyond. Great job completing the chosen tasks thoroughly!

Ease of access for instructor, compliance with course conventions for submitted work: + Easy access, code runs!

Thanks, Amanda