Welcome to the repository of Cassandra Konecny. I am a first year MSc student in the department of zoology working with Dr. Christopher Harley. I am interested in how climate change (i.e. how changes in salinity, temperate, pH) influence species interactions and community composition. I am also an avid SCUBA diver and enjoy spending time in the ocean!
"Every time I slip into the ocean, it's like going home." - Sylvia Earle
Homework 01: Edit README.md and Use R Markdown
Homework 02: Explore Gapminder and use dplyr
Homework 03: Use dplyr to manipulate and explore data (also use ggplot2)
Homework 04: Homework 04: Tidy data and joins
[Homework 05: Factor and figure management; Repo hygiene](https://github.com/CassKon/STAT545-hw-konecny-cassandra/blob/8096e82ebe24fa0768004ab5d82c8c4e6f042a05/hw-5/HW-05.md