CassKon / STAT545-hw-konecny-cassandra

Homework Repository
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Homework 03 is ready for grading #5

Open CassKon opened 6 years ago

CassKon commented 6 years ago

please find my homework 03 here!

lucymei commented 6 years ago

Hi Cass,

Nice work! I really like the last plot on mean life expectancy.

I give a check plus.

jmurthy12 commented 6 years ago

Hello Cassandra ,

Your homework 3 is well organised and informative! I would give it a check plus.

Here is my feedback :

README: I appreciate the README file that made navigation really easy. • More than 3 tasks were completed.

• Task 1: Good work on observing the difference between min and max gdpPercap using knitr::kable() and ggplots.

• You tried “but I want to do more” which is great.

• I also liked the usage of scale_y_log10 in Task2

• I learnt a lot by your work, especially the usage of tally() in Task3.

• You have explained in detail on change in life expectancy changing over time for different continents

• I especially liked the “mapping” used to display the LifeExpectancy on World map. It was amazing and I did learn a lot here.

Process Report • You clearly explained the steps followed for this assignment. • You have provided references and also your progress report .Both these sections were informative.

Overall, this is definitely a great homework.:+1:

Thanks, Janani.

derekcho commented 6 years ago

Hi @CassKon! Here are some comments about your hw03:

Note: your mark (check minus, check, check plus) will be distributed later.