CatWifCrypto / desheshai-kadena-analysis

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Analysis of DesheShai's Kadena Simulation

I wanted to see if the Kadena analysis published by @DesheShai on Twitter/X [1] was accurate or not. His original code is published at this link, and I have included it in in this repository as well along with other code and data used in my analysis.

The TL;DR for those not interested in the details is that the analysis is completely wrong. I have carefully analyzed the code and identified at least the following problematic points:

  1. The approach is unnecessarily complicated. No simulation is needed. The graph diameter is 3 blocks and that is the answer to how long it takes for a transaction to have the protection of the full network.
  2. It does not analyze large enough chain graphs.
  3. It chooses chain graphs randomly, rather than carefully chosen the way Kadena describes.
  4. The random numbers have too many long delays and not enough short delays, inflating the numbers and leading to an incorrect conclusion.
  5. When I change it to use realistic random numbers, the simulation results match the diameter, confirming above point #1.

Any one of these issues is enough to cast serious doubt on the conclusions. All of them combine to completely discredit his analysis.

He has offered a bounty of 500k KAS for anyone able to debunk his analysis and promised to post an apology.

Bounty offer

@DesheShai, I proved you wrong. Pay up. My Kaspa wallet address is kaspa:qz4xvqeeewz83nagrf97wz2d0v7uydwjxpmj2ts27et7watan6vjg2wxjyhs4.

Without further ado, let's dig into the details...

1. The approach is unnecessarily complicated.

There is no need for a simulation. We know exactly how long it takes for one block to propagate to all chains. It's the diameter of the chain graph (3 block heights with Kadena's current 20 chains).

If your transaction is on chain C at block height H, You only have to wait until all chains have been mined at height H+3 before your transaction has the security of all 20 chains.

Kadena mentioned this in the Chainweb whitepaper (at least pages 8 and 13). It's clearly shown in the block explorer when you hover over a block. Doug mentioned this in his DCentralCon presentation in Feb 2022.

We can use the doublePetersen() graph definition to see that the diameter is 3 in multiple ways. First, we can simply calculate the diameter:

>>> nx.diameter(doublePetersen())

Alternatively, we can print the shortest path between every pair of chains with the following code:

def print_distances(rg):
    print('   ', end='')
    sn = sorted(rg.nodes);
    for n in sn:
        print(f' {n: >2}', end='')
    print('  +', end='')
    for n in sn:
        print('---', end='')
    for s in sn:
        print(f'{s: <2}|', end='')
        for t in sn:
            sp = nx.shortest_path_length(rg, source=s, target=t)
            print(f' {sp: 2}', end='')

When we run print_distances(doublePetersen()), we get the following output:

     1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
1 |  0  2  1  1  3  2  2  3  3  2  3  1  3  3  3  3  3  2  2  3
2 |  2  0  3  1  1  2  2  3  3  2  1  3  3  3  2  3  3  3  3  2
3 |  1  3  0  2  3  3  1  2  3  3  2  2  3  3  3  2  3  3  1  2
4 |  1  1  2  0  2  1  3  3  3  3  2  2  2  2  3  3  3  3  3  3
5 |  3  1  3  2  0  3  3  3  2  1  2  2  3  3  3  3  2  3  2  1
6 |  2  2  3  1  3  0  3  2  2  3  3  3  1  1  3  2  2  3  3  3
7 |  2  2  1  3  3  3  0  1  2  3  1  3  3  2  2  3  3  3  2  3
8 |  3  3  2  3  3  2  1  0  1  2  2  3  2  1  3  3  2  3  3  3
9 |  3  3  3  3  2  2  2  1  0  1  3  2  1  2  3  2  3  3  3  3
10|  2  2  3  3  1  3  3  2  1  0  3  1  2  3  3  3  3  2  3  2
11|  3  1  2  2  2  3  1  2  3  3  0  3  3  3  1  2  3  2  3  3
12|  1  3  2  2  2  3  3  3  2  1  3  0  3  3  2  3  2  1  3  3
13|  3  3  3  2  3  1  3  2  1  2  3  3  0  2  2  1  3  3  2  3
14|  3  3  3  2  3  1  2  1  2  3  3  3  2  0  3  3  1  2  3  2
15|  3  2  3  3  3  3  2  3  3  3  1  2  2  3  0  1  2  1  2  3
16|  3  3  2  3  3  2  3  3  2  3  2  3  1  3  1  0  3  2  1  2
17|  3  3  3  3  2  2  3  2  3  3  3  2  3  1  2  3  0  1  2  1
18|  2  3  3  3  3  3  3  3  3  2  2  1  3  2  1  2  1  0  3  2
19|  2  3  1  3  2  3  2  3  3  3  3  3  2  3  2  1  2  3  0  1
20|  3  2  2  3  1  3  3  3  3  2  3  3  3  2  3  2  1  2  1  0

This shows the distance from any chain to any other chain. The largest number here is 3, confirming the diameter calculation above, and it tells us how many blocks it takes before the entire network hash power secures any single transaction.

2. Are Kadena's block times actually 30 seconds?

In DesheShai's analysis, sometimes he talks about block delays and sometimes he talks about time delays. One might ask if each block height really takes 30 seconds as advertised. Let's examine that.

As is commonly known by anyone familiar with proof of work networks, block delays can vary. So how much do Kadena blocks vary? This is easy to verify by looking at Kadena's block explorer.

The first block on chain 0 mined in 2023 was block height 3336687. We can find this block in Kadena's block explorer here. The first block on chain 0 mined in 2024 (one year later) was block height 4387493, as you can see here. When we calculate 4387493 - 3336687, we see that 1,050,806 block heights passed in one year. The number of seconds in a year is 60 60 24 * 365 = 31,536,000. Now calculate 31536000 / 1050806 = 30.01125. This is remarkably close to the expected 30 seconds (less than 0.04% error).

From this we see that the estimate of 30 seconds per block height is indeed very accurate. Three block heights with a 30 second block time works out to approximately 90 seconds, much less than the eight block delays or four minutes claimed by DesheShai.

3. DesheShai does not analyze large enough chain graphs.

He only analyzes 100 chains. That is not sufficient to answer the scalability question. You have to look at what happens with tens of thousands of chains or higher.

Thanks to the analysis above, we know exactly what this is. You can get tens of thousands of chains with a degree and diameter of 7 (as well as other choices of degree and diameter as can be seen here and here) and hundreds of thousands of chains with 8.

4. DesheShai doesn't pick graphs the way the Chainweb whitepaper describes.

He just picks random graphs of diameter 4. The main idea behind Chainweb is that you shouldn't just pick randomly, you should draw on the best solutions discovered by graph theory researchers. This demonstrates a complete lack of understanding of Chainweb and failure to do basic research.

If he had bothered to look, he would have found the Hoffman-Singleton graph mentioned at with 50 chains and diameter 2.

Additionally, in his writeup he says "I also checked an alternative scaling to 100 chains via 9-regular graphs of diameter 3". (If you're not familiar with the terminology, "9-regular" means degree 9.) We can see from the Wikipedia link above that the best results from graph theory researchers on the degree-diameter problem get up to 111 chains with diameter 3 and degree 6 (much better than degree 9). Why didn't DesheShai use degree 6? Because he didn't know how to construct that graph and he didn't bother looking for the best results from researchers. His method of choosing randomly simply won't work.

Why doesn't picking a random graph do a good job? Because the number of possible graphs to search through is insanely large (see and the chances of randomly finding a good graph with low degree and low diameter is very low.

There are 24637809253125004524383007491432768 unique graphs with just 20 nodes. If you could try a billion graphs per second (it isn't anywhere close to that fast) it would take 390629903176132111 years to search just half of them. The numbers are way higher for 100 chains.

Graph theory researchers have been studying this problem for decades. DesheShai isn't going to come close without looking at the research, which he clearly didn't do. But don't take my word for it. See if you can find a graph of 50 nodes, degree 7, and diameter 2 using DesheShai's method.

Use the following function (taken from here) and run random_graph_with_degree_diameter(50, 8, 2). You won't get an answer. I've let it try millions of graphs and it never found one with 50 nodes, degree 8, and diameter 2 let alone degree 7 like the Hoffman-Singleton graph has.

def random_graph_with_degree_diameter(n, deg, diam):
    G = None
    while True:
        G = nx.random_regular_graph(deg,n)
        if nx.diameter(G) == diam:
    return G

5. So what's wrong with the simulation?

The problem is a subtle issue with the random numbers being used. Here is the code he is using to calculate the "stall".

stall = max([cd[w]["last_block" if cd[w]["len"] == l else "one_before_last_block"] for w in cd[v]["neighbors"]]) + Exp()

Let's refactor this into smaller pieces.

which_block = "last_block" if cd[w]["len"] == l else "one_before_last_block"
block_mining_start = max([cd[w][which_block] for w in cd[v]["neighbors"]])
stall = block_mining_start + Exp()

The second line basically says that you can't start mining a block on a chain until the previous block has been mined on that chain and each of its neighbor chains. This is correct. You look at the maximum time that the previous block was mined on all the neighbor chains and that tells you when miners can start mining this particular chain.

But it all goes off the rails on the next line. He takes the correctly calculated start time and adds Exp(), a random number from an exponential distribution. This is not the correct way to simulate Kadena's block mining. We can see how this is flawed by calculating the actual stall values directly from Kadena's blockchain data and comparing it with the data DesheShai used.

The file data/block-times-2023-01.csv.gz in this repository contains one month of real block data from Kadena's mainnet. (For more information with all the details of how this and all the other data in this analysis was calculated, see Here is a histogram showing the distribution of DesheShai's random data:

DesheShai's bad random data

And here is that same histogram when we use real Kadena block times:

Real Kadena block times

See how those distributions don't look the same at all? That's the problem. DesheShai's analysis is not using realistic data. Here is a version with those two histograms overlaid on top of each other:

Both histograms

DesheShai's random data has more numbers above 30 seconds and fewer numbers below 30 seconds. No wonder his conclusions were wrong. His numbers don't match reality at all. His data has too many long stalls and too few short stalls, making it seem like Kadena is slower than it actually is.

The section of the graph with the lighter shade of red is all the too-long stalls that make the analysis seem to prove that Kadena doesn't scale. We can see from the overlayed histograms that the real stall times are never as large as DesheShai's faulty simulation assumes.

6. Can we fix the simulation and what does that show us?

Yes, we can fix it. The approach of using a simulation to analyze behavior is a reasonable method for analyzing complex systems. As I mentioned above, it's not needed here because we already know the answer. But let's see what happens to the simulation results when we use realistic data. Instead of adding Exp(), we can read in the real data, shuffle it, and use those numbers instead.

We ran this corrected simulation on 6 different graphs:

  1. The current 20-chain graph used by Kadena mainnet.
  2. A diameter 4 graph chosen randomly with DesheShai's method.
  3. The 50-chain, diameter 2 graph from Kadena's GitHub repo that was mentioned above.
  4. A 20-chain ring graph with diameter 10. This is not a graph that Kadena would ever use. It is here as an example of a larger diameter to show that the sim results closely match a wide range of graph diameters.
  5. A 50-chain ring graph. Similar to #4, but bigger. Kadena would never use this graph either.
  6. A diameter 6 graph chosen randomly with DesheShai's method.

To see this for yourself, run python (Note: it takes several minutes to run because the simulation is quite slow when the graph diameter gets large.) When it's done, you will get the following results:

Real Stall Data

Graph Diameter Sim Results
Chainweb current 20-chain graph 3 3.41
DesheShai random graph 4 5.35
50-chain graph from Kadena's GitHub 2 2.92
20-chain ring graph 10 9.08
50-chain ring graph 25 24.11
Random diameter 6 graph 6 5.76

If we don't want to use real stall data from Kadena's running blockchain, we can also run this analysis with random data that is correctly generated with the same distribution as the real data. To do this all you have to do is change line 19 from stalls = read_values("data/stalls-real.csv") to stalls = read_values("data/stalls-resampled.csv"). (For more information about how stalls-resampled.csv was generated see When we run this with python we get very similar results.

Correctly Generated Random Stall Data

Graph Diameter Sim Results
Chainweb current 20-chain graph 3 3.4
DesheShai random graph 4 5.35
50-chain graph from Kadena's GitHub 2 2.93
20-chain ring graph 10 9.03
50-chain ring graph 25 23.87
Random diameter 6 graph 6 5.74

As with any random simulation, there is some variation in the results but we can see here that they are all quite close to the graph diameter.

We can switch back to the original bad random number generation by changing line 223 from stall = next_rand_good() to stall = next_rand_orig(). When we run that we get this table:

DesheShai's Incorrect Random Stall Data

Graph Diameter Sim Results
Chainweb current 20-chain graph 3 8.13
DesheShai random graph 4 13.86
50-chain graph from Kadena's GitHub 2 7.72
20-chain ring graph 10 20.37
50-chain ring graph 25 55.41
Random diameter 6 graph 6 14.64

And now we can see clearly that DesheShai's choice of bogus random numbers dramatically inflated his simulation results. His numbers have nothing to do with the reality of how Kadena's network actually runs. Hopefully this helps to set the record straight and dispel the FUD.

We have analyzed the question in multiple ways: the simple and obvious way as well as with DesheShai's more complex simulation approach. Both approaches properly applied show that Kadena scales exactly as advertised.


As is so often the case, DesheShai's mistake comes down to not having precisely defined terminology. Instead of using terms like "block time" and "stall time", let's be more explicit. Here is a timeline of the relevant block actions in Kadena's network:

  1. Time T1: height H on chain C is mined

...time passes (call this "period A" which is T2-T1 seconds long)

  1. Time T2: All blocks at height H on C's neighbor chains are mined and mining can start on the new block H+1 on chain C. Sometimes this is the same time as T1 because all of the neighbor chains were already mined.

...time passes (call this "period B" which is T3-T2 seconds long)

  1. Time T3: height H+1 on chain C is mined

DesheShai's analysis was operating under the assumption that the time duration T3-T2 has an Exp(30) distribution (it's an exponential distribution with mean 30). He straight-up says it here.

Exp(30) claim

He probably assumed this because the time between consecutive blocks in Bitcoin is exponentially distributed with a mean of ~10 minutes (source). However, he provided no proof that this assumption was valid for Kadena and did not check whether that assumption is confirmed by the actual blockchain data.

In fact, Kadena anticipated exactly the issue that DesheShai thought was there and had already accounted for it. In my section 2 above I conclusively showed that T3-T1 very consistently averages out to 30 seconds using very simple calculations from Kadena's publicly available blockchain data. If the average time difference between T3 and T1 is 30 seconds, then it stands to reason that because T2-T1 is usually greater than 0, T3-T2 will have an average that is less than 30 seconds, and I have already showed exactly that. All of my above histograms were plotting T3-T2 and clearly show that. They plotted T3-T2 for DesheShai's simulation and for Kadena's real blockchain data.

I was focusing above on the nature of T3-T2, but let's now take a look at T3-T1, the whole block time.

I have added an additional data file to this repo data/t3-t1.csv. It contains all the values of T3-T1 for all the block data in data/block-times-2023-01.csv. (For more information about how you can reconstruct or verify this data, see

If DesheShai is right, the average of these values should be significantly greater than 30. We can calculate this with a very easy query:

$ duckdb -c "SELECT mean(t3_minus_t1) FROM 'data/t3-t1.csv'"
│ mean(t3_minus_t1) │
│      double       │
│ 30.00781449994891 │

This confirms it. The mean of T3-T2 is not 30 seconds like DesheShai claims. The mean of T3-T1 is. What's the mean of T3-T2? We can look at that too:

$ duckdb -c "SELECT mean(period_B) FROM 'data/block-lifetimes.csv'"
│  mean(period_B)   │
│      double       │
│ 16.13772480833479 │

DesheShai, you've clearly lost this one. T3-T2 is not exponentially distributed with a mean of 30. Be an honorable man, admit it, and pay what you said you would. Either that or provide a verifiable data file like I have done that has real Kadena blockchain data containing block heights, chain ids, timestamps, and deltas that proves me wrong.

[1] Link to original analysis