CatalystCode / CNTK-faster-rcnn

Docker images adjusted for running Faster RCNN CNTK examples.
Apache License 2.0
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This project aims to help getting started with running the Faster RCNN CNTK examples, since the base CNTK images require additional setup.

A launched container will contain default images of groceries in /cntk/Examples/Image/DataSets/Grocery/grocery/ with which you can use to train and make bounding box predictions.

Quickstart with tagged grocery images

RUN in a bash terminal:

> ./scripts/ [cpu, gpu]

Note: During training and testing, Unknown error and PROGRESS: 0% may be outputted to the console. This will not prevent training or testing from making progress.

git clone
docker build -f Dockerfile-py3-cpu .
docker run -it hashfrombuild bash
python \
  --tagged-images /cntk/Examples/Image/DataSets/Grocery/grocery/ \
  --num-train 200 \
  --num-epochs 1
python \
  --tagged-images /cntk/Examples/Image/DataSets/Grocery/grocery/ \
  --num-test 5 \
  --conf-threshold 0.82

The fitted model will be stored in /cntk/Examples/Image/Detection/FasterRCNN/Output/.

Grocery prediction output should result in:

Number of rois before non-maximum suppression: 623
Number of rois  after non-maximum suppression: 44
Average precision (AP) for            milk = 1.0000
Average precision (AP) for         joghurt = 1.0000
Average precision (AP) for          tomato = 1.0000
Average precision (AP) for         tabasco = 0.5000
Average precision (AP) for           onion = 1.0000
Average precision (AP) for          pepper = 0.8000
Average precision (AP) for     orangeJuice = 1.0000
Average precision (AP) for       champagne = 1.0000
Average precision (AP) for          orange = 1.0000
Average precision (AP) for          gerkin = 1.0000
Average precision (AP) for          butter = 1.0000
Average precision (AP) for         avocado = 1.0000
Average precision (AP) for          eggBox = 0.7500
Average precision (AP) for         mustard = 1.0000
Average precision (AP) for         ketchup = 0.6667
Average precision (AP) for           water = 0.5000
Mean average precision (AP) = 0.8885

The outputted test grocery images with bounding boxes will be in /cntk/Examples/Image/Detection/FasterRCNN/Output/CustomImages.

Copy the files from container to host.

docker cp <containerId>:/file/path/within/container /host/path/target

Though the model was fitted with 1 epoch, the bounding boxes that identify the grocery items are still pretty accurate.


Set Up Custom Images for CNTK Object Detection Example

Before using CNTK, your images must be organized in a directory structure accepted by CNTK described below.

Required Image Directory Format

Your custom image directory must be in the format required by CNTK. The image directory should be structured as:

├── negative
│ ├── a0vqvtsowhoubmczrq4q.jpg
│ ├── avhrylgho1dg1ns6q6wb.jpg
│ └── ictav2a3ahahv2pcusck.jpg
├── positive
│ ├── aljrnxc0ttj07dc2riel.bboxes.labels.tsv
│ ├── aljrnxc0ttj07dc2riel.bboxes.tsv
│ ├── aljrnxc0ttj07dc2riel.jpg
│ ├── icde4ql7u7clfv3lmani.bboxes.labels.tsv
│ ├── icde4ql7u7clfv3lmani.bboxes.tsv
│ └── icde4ql7u7clfv3lmani.jpg
└── testImages
 ├── bz7mfvk1etwl0rzofewu.bboxes.labels.tsv
 ├── bz7mfvk1etwl0rzofewu.bboxes.tsv
 └── bz7mfvk1etwl0rzofewu.jpg

Make sure you have an image directory containing each of the positive, negative, and testImages directories in your docker container before running the CNTK examples.

Tools to Set Up Custom Images for CNTK

Using the Images

Make sure that you have sufficient space to build your images. The 2.3-cpu-python3.5 image from microsoft/cntk is ~7 GB and the other image that results is ~6 GB.


docker build -f Dockerfile-py3-cpu .
docker run --rm -it -v `pwd`:`pwd` -w `pwd` hashfrombuild bash


nvidia-docker build -f Dockerfile-py3-gpu .
nvidia-docker run --rm -it -v `pwd`:`pwd` -w `pwd` hashfrombuild bash

About and and are located in /cntk/Examples/Image/Detection. These scripts remove a lot of manual edits needed for the config files, downloading of models, and setup of annotations necessary to run the CNTK detection example.

Training Parameters

tag value expected
conf-threshold The confidence threshold used to determine when bounding boxes around detected objects are drawn. A confidence threshold of 0 will draw all bounding boxes determined by CNTK. A threshold of 1 will only draw a bounding box around the exact location you had originally drawn a bounding box, i.e. you trained and tested on the same image. Provide a float falling between 0 and 1. The default confidence theshold is 0.
gpu To use gpu in either training or prediction, specify 1. Otherwise, cpu will be used.
model-path The absolute path to your trained model. Defaults to /cntk/Examples/Image/Detection/FasterRCNN/Output/faster_rcnn_eval_AlexNet_e2e.model. To get a trained model, run The training script will output the directory where your trained model is stored (Usually /cntk/Examples/Image/Detection/FasterRCNN/Output/faster_rcnn_eval_AlexNet_e2e.model).
num-epochs The number of epochs used to train the model. One epoch is one complete training cycle on the training set. Defaults to 20.
num-train The number of training images used to train the model.
num-test The number images to test.
tagged-images Provide a path to the directory containing your custom images prepared for CNTK object detection. The directory should contain information formatted as described here. I recommend using the VoTT tool to create the formatted directory.


  [--gpu 1]
  [--num-epochs 3]
  --num-train 200
  --tagged-images /CustomImages

Training Output

After you run training, /cntk/Examples/Image/Detection/FasterRCNN/Output/ will contain one new item:


  [--gpu 1]
  --tagged-images /CustomImages
  --num-test 5
  [--model-path /cntk/Examples/Image/Detection/FasterRCNN/Output/faster_rcnn_eval_AlexNet_e2e.model]
  [--conf-threshold 0.82]

Prediction Output

After you run your predictions, /cntk/Examples/Image/Detection/FasterRCNN/Output/ will contain two new items:


{ "images":
    "/Reverb/labelled-guitars/testImages/adfvzfswiuv0a1erna5k.jpg": {
      "class": "body",
      "bounding_boxes": [
        {"confidence_level": "0.536132", "bounding_box": {"x1": 317, "x2": 799, "y1": 65, "y2": 493}},
        {"confidence_level": "0.632784", "bounding_box": {"x1": 0, "x2": 389, "y1": 167, "y2": 507}},
        {"confidence_level": "0.767789", "bounding_box": {"x1": 0, "x2": 799, "y1": 102, "y2": 595}},
        {"confidence_level": "0.588904", "bounding_box": {"x1": 527, "x2": 780, "y1": 96, "y2": 579}},
        {"confidence_level": "0.743675", "bounding_box": {"x1": 0, "x2": 512, "y1": 196, "y2": 718}}
    "/Reverb/labelled-guitars/testImages/aayjfcuulg99o3zpctux.jpg": {
      "class": "body",
      "bounding_boxes": [
        {"confidence_level": "0.872948", "bounding_box": {"x1": 79, "x2": 582, "y1": 136, "y2": 764}},
        {"confidence_level": "0.629768", "bounding_box": {"x1": 158, "x2": 594, "y1": 180, "y2": 552}}
    "/Reverb/labelled-guitars/testImages/caaqxk85v3izwweqvbsi.jpg": {
      "class": "__background__",
      "bounding_boxes": []

Other Helpful Resources