= Blasphemer
Note: The official Blasphemer data pack is downloadable free of charge. Any profits made from third party sales of the data or modifications thereof do not go to the original Blasphemer developers.
Blasphemer aims to create a free content package for the Heretic engine, with a theme of metal-inspired dark fantasy.
== How to play
Any limit-removing Doom source port that is compatible with Heretic can be used to play Blasphemer. Blasphemer is an iwad, meaning the complete set of resources required for a game but still requires an executable engine to be played. You can turn your favorite Heretic pwads into Lovecraftian nightmares using Blasphemer.
with dsda-heretic.
== What “free” means
When we speak of free content or software, we refer to the movement in
which your freedoms to use, copy, modify, and study a work is not
infringed. For example, you may freely use Blasphemer for any purpose
you see fit, you may redistribute it to anyone without needing to ask
for permission, you may modify it (provided you keep the license
intact, see COPYING
), and you may study it--for example, to see how
an “IWAD” is built. To facilitate this, you can get the full source
code for Blasphemer, in this case, in the form of a DeuTex tree.
You may read more about free software at the https://www.gnu.org/[GNU] and https://www.fsf.org/[Free Software Foundation] websites.
== Contributing to Blasphemer
While Blasphemer is currently fully playable, there are still many resources that need to be created or polished. You can become a contributor by submitting a new or modified resource.
Submitting resources to blasphemer can be done using pull requests on github, or just posting your work to the https://www.doomworld.com/vb/freedoom/70732-blasphemer-discussion/[forums] or on https://discord.gg/M7jhmw9zn4[discord].
If you have found a bug or other issue, you can post them to the https://github.com/Catoptromancy/blasphemer/issues[issues] page on github.
The target port/engine for Blasphemer is https://doomwiki.org/wiki/Heretic-plus[Heretic-plus], it's recommended to test your maps on it.
=== Contribution Guidelines
Please follow these guidelines when contributing to the project.
==== The Most Important Thing
This is an open content project, and as such, must adhere to strict licensing rules. Content that you submit must be compatible with the https://opensource.org/license/bsd-3-clause[revised BSD license]. DO NOT submit material from random websites; much "free" content on the web is still under copyright to someone and cannot be included. You may suggest material from http://OpenGameArt.org[OpenGameArt] if it fits the criteria below.
Be aware that the BSD license allows for modification and commercial use, however, the official Blasphemer releases are, and will remain, free of charge.
==== General Concerns
==== Graphics
==== Levels
== Feedback & Community
Join us on https://www.doomworld.com/vb/freedoom/70732-blasphemer-discussion/[DoomWorld] and https://discord.gg/M7jhmw9zn4[Discord]!
== Screenshots
image::http://www.jeshimoth.com/blas014_02.png[] image::http://www.jeshimoth.com/blas01301.png[] image::http://www.jeshimoth.com/blas01302.png[] image::http://www.jeshimoth.com/blas01303.png[] image::http://www.jeshimoth.com/blas01304.png[] image::http://www.jeshimoth.com/blas01305.png[] image::http://www.jeshimoth.com/blas01306.png[]