Compliance Management System
- Map multiple requirements to a a single control
- Auto-generate compliance reports formatted for each regulator or auditor
- Provide real time status reporting on compliance state
- Automate control execution, auditing, and process management where possible
- Provide a systematic means to keep compliance data fresh
CMS uses the following third-party software:
- Ruby 1.9.3
- Rails 3.2
- HAML for view templates
- Prawn for PDF manipulation
- Yard for documentation
- Keep track of compliance objects, including: regulations in a structured format, standardized control objectives, company controls, systems, source documents
- The system will group controls required to meet certain compliance targets (e.g. regulations)
Risk:Control objective mapping
- The system will create reports on the compliance status of controls and targets. Reports will be organized based on tags, groups and status.
- Versioning of regulations, controls, etc, including an audit trail of changes
Administration Features:
- RBAC - role based access control. The system will authenticate users, internal and, optionally, external. A role system will restrict access to controls, administrative actions and reports. The UI will adjust based on the role of the user. Different workflow will be available for different roles.
- Bulk actions on compliance objects.
- Orphan detection for unowned objects.
- Archive section for obsolete compliance objects.
- The frontend will is a web application.
- The backend will be modular with a plugin system allowing interfacing with internal systems for acquisition of evidence and control status.
rspec spec
and autotesting (runs tests as files change):
spork &
autotest -v
On OS X (Mountain Lion - 10.8)
- Install XCode 4.4
- In XCode/Preferences - install Command Line tools
- Install RVM
- Install Ruby 1.9.3
rvm install 1.9.3-p194
- Copy Gemfile.lock-dist to Gemfile.lock to configure the right gems
- Set up gems by using bundle install.
- Configure database by copying/modifying database.yml.dist to database.yml
- Set up database w/ standard Rails commands
Use autotest (+ spork) for rapid testing