CcydtN / Multi-Touch-Kit-ProMicro

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As the title suggests, this project is trying to reproduce the result of Multi-Touch kit with a ProMicro board.


The demo is using the source code from "experiment" branch (See Note.2)

The two axis in the demo is a mess, but I am not planning to fixed it in short term.


In this repo:

Not in the repo:


Most steps is following the Multi-Touch Kit Project

  1. Create a schemetic
  2. Print out the PCB and prepare the components
  3. Connect all pins and wires
  4. Upload the code through PlatformIO
  5. Use Processing to observe the result


  1. Readings from R1 seem having a lot of noise and effecting the result, so it is disabled.
  2. "Experiment" branch seem to have a better performance. I am trying to figure out the reason, feel free to comment in the issue.


Future Plan