CeciliaSG / members-only

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Spotted City Guide Membership Club

View the live project here.

Spotted members city guide – An insiders membership guide to Stockholm.

This is a memberships site with the purpose of providing members - people living in Stockholm - with a comprehensive guide of everything going on in the city, as well as some perks for members making it good value for money. The site intends to include bars and restaurants, to things to do, events, musical festivals etc.

User Experience (UX)

User stories

Kanban Board

The board has four Epics:

The board has three Milestones/Iterations:

The lables used:

(Some issues have multiple labels)

The board has five columns:


-   #### Colour Scheme
    -   The three main colours used are black, white and different shades of green.

-   #### Typography
    -   The Playfair Display font is the main font, together with Poppins used throughout the whole website with Serif and Sans Serif as the fallback fonts in case for any reason the font isn't being imported into the site correctly. 

-   #### Imagery
    -   Imagery makes an internet site more interesting. The large, top images on every page for logged in users are chosen designed to add a vibrant feeling to the page. The post and events images are also chosen to give the site a vibrant, fun and energetic feeling.


ERDS for models

ERD Post model:

FK Heading Heading Model
title charfield
image CloudinaryField
Content textField
slug slugfield
excerpt textField
tag charfield
status small Integerfield
start date
end date
Neighbourhood TextField

ERD Comment model:

FK post Post Model
author FK
body TextField
approved BooleanField
created_on DateTiemField

ERD Event model:

FK Heading Heading Model
title charfield
image img
description text
slug slugfield
excerpt text
tag charfield
status small Integerfield
start date
end date

ERD Saved Post Model:

FK User User Model
FK Post Post Model

ERD Liked Post Model:

FK User User Model
FK Post Post Model
button-colour charField


FK Event Event Model
FK User User Model
Response CharField
num_guests Charfield

ERD UserProfile Model:

FK User User Model OnetoOneField
Neighbourhood CharField
Interests ArrayField
City Charfield

ERD Heading model (both event and post):

FK parent-heading User Model
Name CharField

*Note! This model hasn't been used as extensively as intended when created and should be implemented and developed further.

Technologies Used

Languages Used

Frameworks, Libraries & Programs Used

  1. Bootstrap 5:
    • Bootstrap was used to assist with the responsiveness and styling of the website.
  2. Google Fonts:
    • Google fonts were used to import the 'Titillium Web' font into the style.css file which is used on all pages throughout the project.
  3. Font Awesome:
    • Font Awesome was used on all pages throughout the website to add icons for aesthetic and UX purposes.
  4. jQuery:
    • jQuery came with Bootstrap to make the navbar responsive but was also used for the smooth scroll function in JavaScript.
  5. Git
    • Git was used for version control by utilizing the Gitpod terminal to commit to Git and Push to GitPod.
  6. GitHub:
    • GitHub is used to store the projects code after being pushed from Git.
  7. Photoshop:
    • Photoshop was used to create the logo.
  8. Canva:
  9. Tiny PNG
    • Tiny PNG was used to compress the images
  10. Cloudconvert
    • Cloudconvert was used to convert the images to webp.
  11. Cloudinary
    • Cloudinary was used to serve the event and post images uploaded via the admin panel.



1. Manual Testing

Features visible on all pages of the site

Testing First navbar and logo-link:

Expected: The links are expected to take the user to the declared page/feature when the user clicks the link.

Testing: Tested the links by clicking them.

Result: The links link to the correct pages/endpoints when clicked. The logo works as a link back to the homepage.

Testing first navbar for logged-out users. Links to sign-in and sign-up:

Expected: The links are expected to take the user to the declared page/feature when the user clicks the link.

Testing: Tested the links by clicking them.

Result: The links link to the correct pages/endpoints when clicked.

Testing second navbar/Account for logged-in users. Links to profile, sign-out, change password, change email, delete account, manage posts (only visible to staff-authenticated users):


Testing: Tested by logging in as non-staff member and staff member. Tested the links by clicking them.

Result: The links link to the correct pages/endpoints when clicked. The link in to manage posts in the accounts navbar is only visible when a logged in user is authenticated as staff.

Testing the Footer

Expected: The links are expected to take the user to the declared destination when the user clicks the link.

Testing: Tested the links by clicking them.

Result: The links link to the correct pages/endpoints/SOME-pages when clicked.

Pages including all features, links etc. in these.

Landing page (index.html)

For logged-out users/non-members:

Testing Modal:

Testing Try Spotted for free button:

For logged-in users/members:

Testing post-links, save post feature and liking feature:

Testing post pages: Restaurants & Bars, What's On, & Things to do etc.

The Post details page

Testing SOME-symbols on details page: Expected:

Features reachable from second navbar:

Features visible to logged-out users:

Form Description Expected Testing Result Fix
SignUpForm, App: Core, Template: register.html
(includes user- and userprofile form)
Gives the user the ability signup to the site. The user can fill in the form, choosing a username and password and then clicking the signup button. The user fills in first and last name, email and choses a username and password. The form expects the username, email and password to be confirmed in separate fields before the user can submit. The form checks the username and email against the database as the username and emails are only allowed to be unique. If the user tries to use an already existing username or email the form returns an error an asks user to correct the marked fields. The user is also required to choose a city and neighbourhood. It is optional to choose an interest. When the user clicks sign-up, a message should display letting them know they are signed-up and that a confirmation email has been sent to the email they registered. The user should receive a confirmation email in their inbox. When the link is clicked, the user should be directed to a page asking them to confirm their email. When the conf. button is clicked the user should be redirected to login. If the conf. link expires (10 days) a new link can only be sent if the user tries to login. Correct and incorrect information was filled in to test the form. The link in the conf. email was tested by clicking it and the email was confirmed by clicking the confirm button on the confirm email page. The user is redirected to the sing-in page and filled in log-in details and clicked login. The form can be filled in and the singUp button clicked. When correct information was filled in the form was submitted. The user info. and details are saved to the database and the user is sent a conf. email with a functioning link. The email and username need to be unique
and trying to use the same email and user mail
and email returns the form with an error message. When the conf. email is clicked, the user is redirected to the sing-in page and can sing-in. If for some reason they don't receive the email, or the link has expired - they can request a new link either on the page they are redirected to if the link is expired or via the link on the sign-up page.
To solve the issue with the user getting access to a new conf. link a custom view, url and template was created. And a link to access the resend_email_conf. was added to the sing-in template as well as to the allauth verification template.

Form Description Expected Testing Result
SignIn, Form App: Core, Template: login.html Gives the user the ability to signin with their email and password. The user should be able to fill in their email and password to sign in and be redirected to the home page for logged in users.
There is also an option to click remember me. The user should also be able to click the links to reset password, request a new email verification link and click the link to the sign-up page. Errors should be raised if incorrect information is filled in.
The form was tested by filling in login info correctly and incorrectly
and clicking the sign-in button.
The links were clicked. (The endpoint features were tested separately.)
When a registered user email and correct password is filled in, the sign-in button clicked the user is logged in and gains access the whole site (some features are restricted depending on auth. Level).
After signing-in users are directed to the home page for logged in users. If incorrect info is filled in, or the user email doesn’t exist an error is raised alerting the user.

Testing the comments function:

Expected: When a user comments the comment should be shown as awaiting approval. The buttons edit and delete underneath the comment should be clickable to let the user use these functions. The comment should be visible in the comments section in the admin so it can be approved. When approved the buttons should turn green. Users should be able to see other users’ approved comments, but only be able to edit and delete their own. The comments count function displays the number of comments for the post. After editing the comment needs new approval. When delete is clicked a modal should appear asking the user if they are sure they want to delete the comment. When the delete button in the modal is clicked the comment should be removed and no longer be visible.

Testing: A comment was created, submitted and then approved from the admin. The user logged out and another user logged in to see the approved comment. The edit function was tested by clicking the button, editing the comment and clicking update. The delete function was tested by clicking delete.

Result: The user’s comment was created, shown and the lit up when approved. The user can see, edit and delete their own comments. Other users’ comments are also visible to them. The comment count function displays the number of comments for the post. When edit is clicked the comment appears back in the comments function and can be edited and then needs new approval from the admin. When delete was clicked the modal appears and gives the user the choice to delete or close the modal. The close button closes the modal. When the modal delete-button is clicked the comment is removed and is no longer visible. The comment count is updated accordingly.

Testing the Events page

Testing the Events Detail page

Form Description Expected Comment Testing Result
RSVP-form, App: rsvp, Template: event_detail.html Gives the user the ability to RSVP for posted events.
The RSVP-form is part of the event detail page. The user can choose yes or no
and the number of guests
and then click the RSVP button.
When the user choses yes or no and choses a number of guest (optional) and clicks the RSVP-button they a message thanking them for their RSVP should appear on the screen. They should also be sent a confirmation email thanking them for their RSVP and letting them know which event they’ve RSVPed to and the number of guests they have signed-up. The RSVP-info is also expected to appear in the admin. The user can change their response
by changing their answer and number of guests
and submitting again.
The radio buttons were clicked, and number of guests chosen. The RSVP button was then clicked to send the response. The radio buttons function and so does the dropdown to select no. of guests. The user's response gets sent to the admin. The Message appears on the screen and the confirmation email gets sent to the users registered email address.

RSVP Form:

Testing features reachable by link from sign-in page

Link: Didn't receive your verification email? Resend it here.

Form Description Expected Testing Result
Resend Verification, Form App: Core, Template: resend_verfication.html Lets the user request a new verification link sent to their email. Note! New verifications can be sent more than once but straight after each other. It seems there is a limit on how many emails can be sent to the same email address with a certain time span. When an email is filled in and the re-send verification button is clicked an email should be sent with a new link. A message letting them know the email has been sent should be shown. If the email exists but is already registered a message should be shown informing the user of this. If the email doesn’t exist in the database a message should be shown informing the user of this. An incorrect and a correct email were entered and the re-send verification button clicked. When an email existing in the database was entered an email with a new verification link was sent. When the link in the email was clicked the email was verified and the user asked to login. When an already verified email was entered a message was displayed informing the user. When an email that doesn’t exist in the database a message is displayed informing the user of this.

Link: Forgot Password?

Form Description Expected Testing Result
Forgot Password/Password Reset, Form App: AllAuth, Template: allauth/password reset Lets the user reset their password. When the user enters a registered password and email with a password reset link should be sent. When the link in the email is clicked, they should be redirected to the change password page. When a new password is entered (twice) and the change password button clicked the password should be reset, and the user redirected to a page informing them of the change. If a user enters a non-registered email an email is sent informing the user that their email isn’t in the database. In both cases the user should be directed to a page informing them an email was sent. A registered and an unregistered email was entered and the reset my password button clicked. The link in the sent email was clicked and the change password form tested by providing a new password and clicking change password. The new password was tested by login in after the password change. When a registered email is entered an email with reset link is sent and the user is directed to a page informing them of this. When the link is clicked it takes the user to the reset page, where the user can choose a new password and when they click “reset the password” ii is reset. When the user tries to login with their new password is logs them in. If the user enters an email not in the database, they are redirected to the page informing them an email has been sent. The email informs the user their email is not registered.

Testing the Profile Page

Form Description Expected Testing Result Fix
UpdateUserProfileForm, App: Core, Template: profile.html Gives user the ability to change their details and preferences.
The user can update their profile
by changing and confirming
email and username. The form is pre-populated
with existing details.
The form is expected to render and show and pre-populate username and email which both have fields for conf. which must be filled out before updating. The user can also change
their neighbourhood and interest choices.
The email and username must match in both fields.
otherwise the form won’t update the information but will return the
form ask the user to correct the errors, that are marked. When the form is updated, a message is displayed letting the user know.
The form was filled in with incorrect and correct information and submitted by clicking update. If the emails and/or username do not match the form is returned and the user is asked to correct the errors. If the fields are filled out correctly the profile is updated, a message lets the user know that it’s been updated, and the form displays the updated information. The user can update to an already existing email – which should not be possible. The modal covers the success message. Change UserUpdateForm so to check for existing usernames and emails and returns an error if user tries to update to existing username or email.

Testing Signout function

Signout link visible in the Account dropdown menu when signed in

Function Description Expected Testing Result
Signout, App: Core, Template: logout.html When the Signout link in the first/account navbar (dropdown) is clicked
it takes the user to the sign-out page.
When the user clicks the sign-out button they should be signed out, a message should display informing them they’ve signed-out and redirected to the home page for non-logged in users.
Clicking the link in the navbar takes the user to the sign-out page where they are given the option to sign-out. When the sign-out button is clicked the user is signed out, as message is displayed, and they are redirected to the home page for non-logged in users.

Testing the Change Email function

Form Description Expected Testing Result
Change email, AllAuth, email.html The user can add an email and therefore technically changing it. They can also mark an email as primary as well as removing it. Users can also request a reverification if their email isn’t verified. More than one email can be associated with an account. When a user enters an email in the field and clicks add email it should be added to the account. A verification email should be sent. By clicking the verification link in the email, the email should be verified. When the user clicks remove email, it should be removed from the account. When the user clicks the radio-buttons next to the email address and then clicks make primary the email should be marked as primary for the account. A resend verification mail should only be sent if the one of the emails for the account isn’t verified. When a user enters an email and clicks add email it is added to the account. A verification email is sent to the added email. When the verification link in the email is clicked the email displays as verified. The user can choose an email with the radio-buttons and then click make primary and it is made the primary email for the account. If the user clicks re-send verification for an unverified email an email is sent (doesn’t happen for already verified email addresses). When a user chooses an email with the radio-buttons and clicks remove the email is removed from the account.

Testing the Change Password function

Visible in the Account dropdown when user is logged in. Gives the user the ability to change their password. Registered users can change their password.

Form Description Expected Testing Result
Change password, AllAuth, password_change.html Form for changing user password and recovering password if forgotten. When the user enters their current password and then
chooses a new one, confirms it before clicking change password the password is reset.
When the user clicks the link forgot password, they should be redirected to the password reset page to enter their email and receive an email with a reset link. When the reset link is clicked, the user should be directed to the page where they can choose and confirm a new password. After clicking the change password button, they should be re-directed to a page with a conf. message.
The current password was filled in, a new one chosen, confirmed and change password clicked. The new password was tested by trying to login. The Forgot password button was clicked and a registered email provided. The link in the password reset email was clicked a new password chosen and confirmed on the change password page. The password was tested by trying to login with the new password. The password is changed when the current password is provided a new one chosen and confirmed. Login with the new password is successful. Providing the user email and requesting a password reset sends a reset email to the user. When the reset link is clicked it takes the user to the reset password page. Entering a new password and confirming it resets the password. A message is displayed informing the user. Login in with the new password is successful.

Testing the Delete Account function

Reachable from the Account dropdown when user is log-in. Gives the user the ability to easily delete their account. Registered users/members can delete their account and all associated information. Accessible from the Account dropdown menu.

Form Description Expected Testing Result
DeleteAccountForm, App: Core, delete_account.html Lets user delete their account and all associated information.
When the link in the dropdown menu is clicked the user should be redirected to the delete account page. When thy check confirms account deletion and click delete account the account should be deleted, and they should be logged out and redirected to the home page for logged out users. The link in the dropdown was clicked. The confirm delete checkbox was checked and the delete button clicked. The feature was tested without checking the delete account confirm box. The menu link takes the user to the delete account page. When the user checks the checkbox and clicks delete the account is deleted and the user is signed-out and returned to the home page for logged out users. All user info and any profile information
related to the user is deleted from the admin panel and the database. When the delete account confirm wasn’t checked the deletion isn’t possible – the user is then prompted to check the box if they want to continue.

Testing Manage Posts

Form Description Expected Testing Result Fix
Manage Posts, App: Content Management, post_form.html Page and form for adding, editing and deleting posts from the frontend. When the users fill in content, adds an image and clicks save the post should be saved. When the user clicks edit the post should appear in the form so that it can be edited and saved with any changes. When the user clicks delete a modal should appear asking the user “Are you sure you want to delete this post? This action cannot be undone.” If the user clicks delete in the modal the post should be deleted. The add feature was tested by adding text content and an image and clicking save. The edit feature was tested by clicking edit next to a post, editing in the post form and clicking save. The delete function was tested by clicking delete next to a post and then clicking the delete button in the modal. When content, image and unique title was added to the post form and saved the post was visible in the post list and could be viewed by clicking the link. But the image was only added randomly. When an attempt was made to save a post with an already existing title, there was an error due to the slug not being unique. When the user changes the title/slug and saves again the image isn't automatically added but needs to be added back. When the edit link was clicked the post appeared in the form. The post was edited and saved successfully, including changing the image. When clicking the delete link the modal appears querying if the user wants to delete the post. When the delete button in the modal was clicked the post was deleted. The post_add view was updated to handle the integrity error when a user tries to add a post with the same title as an existing post/slug. The view was also modified to guarantee that the image is added.

Note! The comment form is visible on drafts. Comments can be added to drafts, but not deleted from the frontend.

Testing 404

Expected: When a page is not found the custom 404 page should display.

Testing: Tested by entering a url that doesn't exist

Result: When knowingly entering a url that doesn't exist on the site it returns the custom url.

3. Lighthouse


Mobile, logged-out users:

Desktop, logged-out users:

Mobile, logged-in users:

Desktop, logged-in users:

4. Validator Testing. Code validation testing CSS, html and JS





Further Testing

Features Left to Implement

Unfixed Bugs


GitHub Pages

The project was deployed to GitHub Pages using the following steps...

  1. Log in to GitHub and locate the GitHub Repository
  2. At the top of the Repository (not top of page), locate the "Settings" Button on the menu.
    • Alternatively Click Here for a GIF demonstrating the process starting from Step 2.
  3. Scroll down the Settings page until you locate the "GitHub Pages" Section.
  4. Under "Source", click the dropdown called "None" and select "Master Branch".
  5. The page will automatically refresh.
  6. Scroll back down through the page to locate the now published site link in the "GitHub Pages" section.

Forking the GitHub Repository

By forking the GitHub Repository, we make a copy of the original repository on our GitHub account to view and/or make changes without affecting the original repository by using the following steps...

  1. Log in to GitHub and locate the GitHub Repository
  2. At the top of the Repository (not top of page) just above the "Settings" Button on the menu, locate the "Fork" Button.
  3. You should now have a copy of the original repository in your GitHub account.

Making a Local Clone

  1. Log in to GitHub and locate the GitHub Repository
  2. Under the repository name, click "Clone or download".
  3. To clone the repository using HTTPS, under "Clone with HTTPS", copy the link.
  4. Open Git Bash
  5. Change the current working directory to the location where you want the cloned directory to be made.
  6. Type git clone, and then paste the URL you copied in Step 3.
git clone https://github.com/YOUR-USERNAME/YOUR-REPOSITORY
  1. Press Enter. Your local clone will be created.
$ git clone https://github.com/YOUR-USERNAME/YOUR-REPOSITORY
> Cloning into `CI-Clone`...
> remote: Counting objects: 10, done.
> remote: Compressing objects: 100% (8/8), done.
> remove: Total 10 (delta 1), reused 10 (delta 1)
> Unpacking objects: 100% (10/10), done.

Click Here to retrieve pictures for some of the buttons and more detailed explanations of the above process.

Creating the Heroku app, deploying to Heroku

Steps to follow for deployment to Heroku:

In GitHub.

  1. Navigate to the repository for the project.

In Heroku

  1. Go to Heroku, create account, if you don't have one, and log in.

  2. Go to the dashboard and click New after which you click Create new app

  3. Choose name and region. Click Create app.

  4. Go to Settings, under the "Config Vars" set your Key/Value Pairs. You must then create a Config Var called PORT. Set this to 8000 If you have credentials, you must create another Config Var called CREDS and paste the JSON into the value field. When you create the app, you will need to add two buildpacks from the Settings tab. The ordering is as follows:

    1. heroku/python
    2. heroku/nodejs
  5. In the Buildpacks section, add buildpacks. Note order in which you add buildpacks: Python first and nodejs.

  6. No go to Deployment. In deployment method click on "GitHub"(for repository)

  7. The connect to GitHub, find your repository and click connect.

  8. Under connect to GitHub-section, you can either chose automatic deploys with Enable Automatic Deploys or Manual Deploy, to deploy manually.

    Now you can view the deployed app.



Class based views: https://ccbv.co.uk/

