Simple graphical user interface (GUI) to screen and pack nanoindentation curves for further analysis.
Note: this is the new branch for version 1. If you are looking for the old NanoPrepare, either download one of the stored v0 releases or clone the branch v0!
This GUI is designed to open nanoindentation data (force-displacement curves), screen them (eliminating bad curves) and packing them together in a bundle file to be used for further analysis. This packaged file can be opened and processed using the softmech project
A step-by-step guide and video tutorials on how to use the previous software version is avilable in our recent paper:
We are updating the documentation to match the new version.
Right now, the software opens Optics 11 .txt files (both old and new versions are supported). We are working to add support for Nanosurf files.
No installer is currently provided. In order use the GUI, a Python 3 environment with the following packages is required: PyQt5, NumPy, SciPy, PyQtGraph, matplotlib, afmformats.
In order to access the GUI, run the prepare file from the command line:
If you use this software in your publication and research, please cite the following paper: