Tools and utilities for loading and analyzing methylation data. The GCT object and .gctx file format are a way to keep data and associated row and column metadata together at all times, including operations for reading, writing and subsetting these data.
For a tutorial of the available functions in this package, see tutorial/loyal_basics.R
Create a conda environment for the package by installing R and the dependencies. Here I use mamba for increased speed in creating the environment. You can also do this in an environment that already exists or has R installed.
mamba create -n cmapr -c conda-forge -c r -c bioconda r-base=4.1.2
conda activate cmapr
Clone the github repo to a convenient location, and install the package locally by running the install R script.
git clone
cd cmapR
Rscript install_cmapR.R
In order to use the functions pulling data from AWS, you need to have the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
environment variables configured. You can set these by running aws configure
or modifying the ~/.aws/credentials
You should then be all set up! Please file an issue with any problems installing or using this package.
This repo was originally developed as cmap/cmapR. "Parsing and utility functions for analyzing CMap data. To learn more about the CMap project at the Broad Institute, please visit" If you use GCTx and/or cmapR in your work, please cite Enache et al.