CellularLint / cellularlint-codes

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(The contents of the repository are currently under Artifact Evaluation from USENIX Security)

Hardware Specifications

CellularLint was successfully run with the following hardware-

OS & Software Specifications


Please follow these steps to set up the environment- (For all the steps, we assume the current directory is: cellularlint-codes)

Running the experiments

  1. The following experiment is to generate figures similar to Figure 3 and Figure 4 of the paper.

    From the main directory, run- python3 tokenizer_and_sim_matrix.py 4G and python3 tokenizer_and_sim_matrix.py 5G for 4G and 5G datasets, respectively. Each of these should generate one PDF and one PNG formatted image file (Thus, in total, 4 files are generated) in the main directory. The generated files are-

    • 4G_embedding_times.png,
    • heatmap_4G.pdf,
    • 5G_embedding_times.png, and
    • heatmap_5G.pdf.

    The PDF files can be compared to Figure 3 of the paper, and PNG files can be compared to Figure 4 of the paper.

  2. The following experiment is to generate the models' performance metrics.

    Follow these instructions to train and use the language models-

    • Run the notebooks sequentially in the following order. (If you are using Jupyter GUI, you may do Kernel>Restart & Run All for each of them)-

      • train_bert.ipynb,
      • train_roberta.ipynb,
      • train_xlnet.ipynb,
      • phase_train_bert.ipynb,
      • phase_train_roberta.ipynb, and
      • phase_train_xlnet.ipynb
    • From the eval/ directory, run python3 -W ignore eval.py. It should generate the metrics (See output_metrics.txt in the same directory) like Table 1 (one phase) of the paper.