CentML / flexible-inference-bench

A modular, extensible LLM inference benchmarking framework that supports multiple benchmarking frameworks and paradigms.
Apache License 2.0
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Flexible Inference Benchmarker

A modular, extensible LLM inference benchmarking framework that supports multiple benchmarking frameworks and paradigms.

This benchmarking framework operates entirely external to any serving framework, and can easily be extended and modified. It is intended to be fully-featured to provide a variety of statistics and profiling modes and be easily extensible.


cd flexible-inference-bench
pip install .


After installing with the above instructions, the benchmarker can be invoked with fib <args>.

After you get your output (using --output-file), you can invoke one of the data postprocessors using fib analyse <args> | fib generate-ttft-plot <args> | fib generate-itl-plot <args>.

Parameters for fib benchmark

argument description
--seed Seed for reproducibility.
--backend Backend options: tgi,vllm,cserve,cserve-debug,lmdeploy,deepspeed-mii,openai,openai-chat,tensorrt-llm.
For tensorrt-llm temperature is set to 0.01 since NGC container >= 24.06 does not support 0.0
--base-url Server or API base url, without endpoint
--endpoint API endpoint.
one of
--num-of-req or

Total number of requests to send
time window for sending requests (in seconds)
--request-distribution Distribution for sending requests:
eg: exponential 5 (request will follow an exponential distribution with an average time between requests of 5 seconds)
poisson rate
uniform min_val max_val
normal mean std.
--input-token-distribution Request distribution for prompt length. eg:
uniform min_val max_val
normal mean std.
--output-token-distribution Request distribution for output token length. eg:
uniform min_val max_val
normal mean std.
one of:

Text to use as prefix for all requests.
Length of prefix to use for all requests.
No prefix for requests.
--dataset-name Name of the dataset to benchmark on
--dataset-path Path to the dataset.
--model Name of the model.
--tokenizer Name or path of the tokenizer, if not using the default tokenizer.
--disable-tqdm Specify to disable tqdm progress bar.
--best-of Number of best completions to return.
--use-beam-search Use beam search for completions.
--output-file Output json file to save the results.
--debug Log debug messages.
--disable-ignore-eos Ignores end of sequence.
Note: Not valid argument for TensorRT-LLM
--disable-stream The requests are send with Stream: False. (Used for APIs without an stream option)
--cookies Include cookies in the request.
--config-file Path to configuration file.

For ease of use we recommend passing a configuration file with all the required parameters for your use case. Examples are provided in examples/


The output json file in an array of objects that contain the following fields:

Data Postprocessors

Below is a description of the data postprocessors.

fib analyse --datapath <path_to_file>

Prints the following output for a given run, same as vLLM.

============ Serving Benchmark Result ============
Successful requests:                     20
Benchmark duration (s):                  19.39
Total input tokens:                      407
Total generated tokens:                  5112
Request throughput (req/s):              1.03
Input token throughput (tok/s):          20.99
Output token throughput (tok/s):         263.66
---------------Time to First Token----------------
Mean TTFT (ms):                          24.66
Median TTFT (ms):                        24.64
P99 TTFT (ms):                           34.11
-----Time per Output Token (excl. 1st token)------
Mean TPOT (ms):                          2295.86
Median TPOT (ms):                        2362.54
P99 TPOT (ms):                           2750.76

Supports the following args:

argument description
--datapath Path to the output json file produced.

fib generate-itl-plot

Returns a plot of inter-token latencies for a specific request. Takes the following args:

argument description
--datapath Path to the output json file produced.
--output Path to save figure supported by matplotlib.
--request-num Which request to produce ITL plot for.

fib generate-ttft-plot

Generates a simple CDF plot of time to first token requests. You can pass a single file or a list of generated files from the benchmark to make a comparisson

argument description
--files file(s) to generate the plot


Let's take vllm as the backend for our benchmark. You can install vllm with the command:
pip install vllm

We will use gpt2 as the model
vllm serve gpt2

Once the backend is up and running we can go to the examples folder and run the inference benchmark using vllm_args.json file
cd examples
fib benchmark --config-file vllm_args.json --output-file vllm-benchmark.json

Then, you can see the results wit fib analyse
fib analyse --datapath ../examples/vllm-benchmark.json

============ Serving Benchmark Result ============
Successful requests:                     20        
Benchmark duration (s):                  4.15      
Total input tokens:                      3836      
Total generated tokens:                  4000      
Request throughput (req/s):              4.82      
Input token throughput (tok/s):          925.20    
Output token throughput (tok/s):         964.76    
---------------Time to First Token----------------
Mean TTFT (ms):                          19.91     
Median TTFT (ms):                        22.11     
P99 TTFT (ms):                           28.55     
-----Time per Output Token (excl. 1st token)------
Mean TPOT (ms):                          6.73      
Median TPOT (ms):                        7.96      
P99 TPOT (ms):                           8.41      
---------------Inter-token Latency----------------
Mean ITL (ms):                           6.73      
Median ITL (ms):                         7.40      
P99 ITL (ms):                            20.70     