CenterForDigitalHumanities / TPEN28

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The Transcription for Paleographical and Editorial Notation (T‑PEN) project was coordinated by the Center for Digital Theology at Saint Louis University (SLU) and funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and the NEH. The Electronic Norman Anonymous Project developed several abilities at the core of this project's functionality.

T-PEN is currently (2022) maintained by the Research Computing Group at Saint Louis University.

T‑PEN is released under ECL v.2.0 as free and open-source software (git), the primary instance of which is maintained by SLU at T‑


T‑PEN will continue to add tools for transcription as regular feature releases. Please contact us if you would like to see a particular tool integrated with the transcription interface.


Manuscript images displayed on T‑PEN are not the property of T‑PEN, but are linked through agreement from hosting repositories. The User Agreement describes the users' rights to these images.

All images used or composited in the design of T‑PEN originated in the public domain. Individuals who wish to use portions of this site's design are encouraged to seek out the original source file to adapt. Using the T‑PEN logo or any of its design elements with the purposes of deceiving, defrauding, defaming, phishing, or otherwise misrepresenting the T‑PEN project is prohibited.


The T‑PEN logo displayed on each page and the variant on the home page was assembled by committee and is an identifying mark. The tyrannosaurus is used with permission from Mineo Shiraishi at Dinosaur


All code generated by the T‑PEN Development Team is covered by license as described in the User Agreement. This project makes use of several public libraries.