CenterForPeaceAndSecurityStudies / ISAF

Afghanistan war portion of the IISS project
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Keeping Your Friends Close, But Acquaintances Closer

This is a package, documentation, and replication repository for:

Gannon, J. Andrés, and Daniel Kent. “Keeping Your Friends Close, but Acquaintances Closer: Why Weakly Allied States Make Committed Coalition Partners.” Journal of Conflict Resolution, (December 2020).

The Paper:

Final print


The Authors:

For any questions, please email:

Replication Code and Analysis

Self Contained Package

All of the files necessary for reproducing our analysis are including in a self contained R package "ISAF." You can install the package ISAF from github with the instructions below:

if(!require(devtools)) install.packages("devtools")


The analysis and figures in the paper and statistical appendix are produced in a number of R Notebooks.

File Preparation - Dependent Variable:

Summary Statistics:

File Preparation - Independent Variables:
