TypeScripter is a tool to generate Typescript classes from c# models. This is super usefull for our stack (.net / angular2) because we can have typed objects from the server and we don't have to worry about our Typescript models being different than our data models.
`> TypeScripter.exe -h
Typescripter.exe <SETTINGSFILE>
Typescripter.exe <SOURCE> <DESTINATION> [<APIPATH> [ --httpclient ] [ --combineimports ]]
[--files=<FILES> | --class=<CLASSNAMES>]...
Typescripter.exe ( -h | --help )
--files=<FILES> Comma seperated list of .dll files to generate models from. [ default: *.client.dll ]
--class=<CLASSNAMES> Comma seperated list of controller class names. [ default: ApiController ]
--httpclient Generated data service will use the new HttpClientModule for angular 4.
--combineimports Combines model imports to come from the generated index file, instead of individual models. [default: false]
-h --help Show this screen.
<SETTINGSFILE> Path to a json settings file
example settings file contents:
"Source": "./",
"Destination": "../app/models/generated",
"Files": [ "*.dll" ],
"ControllerBaseClassNames": [ "ApiController" ],
"ApiRelativePath": "api",
"HttpModule": "HttpClientModule",
"CombineImports": true|false [default: false]
<SOURCE> The path that contains the .dll(s)
<DESTINATION> The destination path where the generated models will be placed
<APIPATH> The prefix api calls use (leave blank to not generate a data service)