CentralPing / mongoose-plugin-diff

Mongoose.js plugin for generating document modification differences.
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A mongoose.js plugin to report document modification differences.

The plugin uses mongoose's modification methods for determining which properties have been changed.

The original document values are snap shot post-init for existing documents as well as post-save for all documents.


npm i --save mongoose-plugin-diff

API Reference


const diffPlugin = require('mongoose-plugin-diff');
const schema = Schema({...});
schema.plugin(diffPlugin[, OPTIONS]);

mongoose-plugin-diff~diffPlugin(schema, [options])

Kind: inner method of mongoose-plugin-diff

Param Type Default Description
schema Schema mongoose schema
[options] Object
[options.optionKey] String diff the options key to mark paths for inclusion in monitoring for modification. If no properties are marked then monitor entire document.
[options.paths] Array the paths for monitoring for modification. If specified then any option keys will be ignored.
[options.methodName] String getDiff the method name for creating an object with the original values for modified properties.


With Monitoring Entire Document

const diffPlugin = require('mongoose-plugin-diff');
const schema = Schema({foo: String, bar: String});

const Foo = mongoose.model('Foo', schema);
const newFoo = new Foo({foo: 'My orig', bar: 'My other orig'});

newFoo.getDiff(); // {foo: undefined, bar: undefined}

newFoo.save().then(foo => {
  foo.getDiff(); // {}

  foo.foo = 'My update';
  foo.getDiff(); // {foo: 'My orig'}

  return foo.save();
}).then(foo => { // {foo: 'My update', bar: 'My other orig'}
  foo.getDiff(); // {}

With Monitoring Selected Properties

const diffPlugin = require('mongoose-plugin-diff');
const schema = Schema({
  foo: String,
  bar: {
    type: String,
    diff: true // indicates to monitor this property for modification

// Alternatively, paths to monitor can be provided by the plugin options
// schema.plugin(diffPlugin, { paths: ['bar'] });

const newFoo = new Foo({foo: 'My orig', bar: 'My other orig'});

newFoo.getDiff(); // {bar: undefined}

newFoo.save().then(foo => {
  foo.getDiff(); // {}

  foo.foo = 'My update';
  foo.getDiff(); // {}

  foo.bar = 'My other update';
  foo.getDiff(); // {bar: 'My other orig'}

  return foo.save();
}).then(foo => {
  foo.getDiff(); // {}

With Monitoring Subdocument Arrays

CAUTION: The following does not necessarily reflect the current output due to a possible issue with Mongoose. See issue #5904 for reference. This documentation and possible code changes will be made once it is resolved.

If no specific properties are monitored (either by option key or plugin config) then subdocument arrays should report modifications as expected.

const diffPlugin = require('mongoose-plugin-diff');
const schema = Schema({foo: String, bar: [{far: String, boo: String}]});

const Foo = mongoose.model('Foo', schema);
const newFoo = new Foo({foo: 'My orig', bar: [{}, {far: 'My sub orig'}]});

newFoo.getDiff(); // {foo: undefined, bar: [ , {far: undefined}]}

newFoo.save().then(foo => {
  foo.getDiff(); // {}

  foo.bar[1].far = 'My update';
  foo.getDiff(); // {bar: [ , {far: 'My sub orig'}]}

  return foo.save();
}).then(foo => {
  foo.getDiff(); // {}

Monitoring specific properties by option key or plugin config.

const diffPlugin = require('mongoose-plugin-diff');
const schema = Schema({
  foo: String,
  bar: [{
    far: String,
    boo: {
      type: String,
      diff: true // indicates to monitor this property for modification

// Alternatively, paths to monitor can be provided by the plugin options.
// Note the separator '.$.' to indicate a subdocument array path
// schema.plugin(diffPlugin, { paths: ['bar.$.boo'] });

const Foo = mongoose.model('Foo', schema);
const newFoo = new Foo({foo: 'My orig', bar: [{far: 'My sub orig', boo: 'My other sub orig'}]});

newFoo.getDiff(); // {bar: [{boo: undefined}]}

newFoo.save().then(foo => {
  foo.getDiff(); // {}

  foo.bar[0].far = 'My sub update';
  foo.getDiff(); // {}

  foo.bar[0].boo = 'My other sub update';
  foo.getDiff(); // {bar: [{boo: 'My other sub orig'}]}

  return foo.save();
}).then(foo => {
  foo.getDiff(); // {}


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