CentraleNantesROV / thruster_manager

Generic thruster manager tools for ROV/AUV described with Gazebo-Ignition plugins
MIT License
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A thruster manager package for underwater vehicles

This packages instanciates a thruster manager node that maps desired wrench to propeller thrusts for a given vehicle model. It relies on Eigen for the linear algebra computation.

The node assumes that the model is a URDF found on the local robot_description topic (published by robot_state_publisher).

How to run

The node can be used in several ways:


Parameters are three-fold, some of them are always declared (thruster_manager::ThrusterManager) as they are needed by the core algorithm, others are about input/output and are only declared in the node instances.

Main control frame

The desired wrench is assumed to be given in some control frame of the robot, it is tunable with the control_frame parameter (default base_link). The thruster allocation matrix is computed with regards to this frame.

Identify the thrusters

The mapping between body wrench and propeller thrust needs to identify which joints are to be considered as thrusters. They are three complementary ways to do so:

If no hint is given (default) then the parser will assume all revolute and continuous joints of the model are thrusters.

Thrust constraints

These constraints assume all thrusters have the same properties

If both min and max thrusts are given then the overall thrusts are scaled down to fit in the constraints.

If the deadzone is given and the allocation matrix has a non-null kernel then a basic iterative algorithm will try to apply the desired wrench while avoiding thrusts between [-deadzone, +deadzone].

This behavior is illustrated in the figure below where a BlueROV2 is standing still while its 4 horizontal thrusters apply non-null forces.

Input / output (ThrusterManagerNode only)

Using the ThrusterManager class outside this package

The ThrusterManager class can be used as-is outside the package, typically from a control node that computes some desired wrench and directly solves the allocation without relying on the external ThrusterManagerNode.

The class required no parameters to be instanciated. Then, two functions may be used to initialize the allocation matrix:

The two parseRobotDescription methods return the names of the thruster joints, it can be used to initialize the publishers to the simulation or the real thrusters.

The core method is Eigen::VectorXd solveWrench(const Vector6d &wrench) that finds the overall thruts (return value) from the desired wrench.

Controllers can also use the maxWrench() function to use it in anti-windup approaches, if any. This method returns a Eigen::Vector of dimension 6 with the maximum wrench on all components : x, y, z, roll, pitch, yaw.


The publish_wrenches node will subscribe to thrusts published by a ThrusterManager instance and forward them as actual Wrench that can be displayed in RViz, if needed.